Search Results
The following 45 texts (sorted by results) match your query "and" (725 results):
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (77 results)
P her son's orders from Anicetus to remove from Baiae, and to
P Anicetus, whom he takes to be his friend, and in whose age he
P accusation concerning Rubellius Plancus, and desires her to
P son, who, on his arrival, acquits her of all suspicion, and
P and brings Nero, as it were by chance, to the sight of the
P charms, and she, by a feigned resistance, increases his passion;
P prospect of empire, and forgets Otho: She therefore joins with
P readily persuaded by him to see Agrippina in secret, and
P Poppaea. Agrippina, to support her own power, and to wean the
P Emperor from the love of Poppaea, gives Otho encouragement, and
P death, and, by Anicetus's means, to destroy her by drowning. A
P contrived as to sink or crush her; she escapes by accident, and
P Poppaea; and being duped a second time by Anicetus and her,
P apartment: She there encourages and determines Nero to banish
P Otho, and finish the horrid deed he had attempted on his
P mother. Anicetus undertakes to execute his resolves; and, under
P fear, and irresolute how to conduct herself. The account of her
P death, and the Emperor's horrour and fruitless remorse,
5 Alone, unguarded and without a lictor
9 What if you add, how she turned pale and trembled:
11 And would have dropped, but that her pride restrained it?
13 And please the stripling. Yet 'twould dash his joy
16 Without a spell to raise, and bid it fire
22 He's gone; and much I hope these walls alone
23 And the mute air are privy to your passion.
26 In haughty youth and irritated power.
27 And dost thou talk to me, to me, of danger,
28 Of haughty youth and irritated power,
30 This painted Jove, and taught his novice hand
32 Scared at the sound and dazzled with its brightness?
35 Of flattery's incense and obsequious vows
41 To judge of weights and measures; scarcely dared
46 Showed him where empire towered, and bade him strike
53 Gain the rough heights, and grasp the dangerous honour.
55 Have seen your soul, and wondered at its daring:
61 When in a secret and dead hour of night,
63 Of muttered charms and solemn invocation,
72 Think too how oft in weak and sickly minds
74 Rankle to gall; and benefits too great
79 That wait on youth and arbitrary sway:
80 These were your gift, and with them you bestowed
82 Thus ever grave and undisturbed reflection
84 Of rage, and thinks to quench the fire it feels not.
86 And tremble at the phantom I have raised?
90 With equal power resume that gift, and raise
96 And outcry of the battle? Have his limbs
99 And pleasure's flowery lap? Rubellius lives,
100 And Sylla has his friends, though schooled by fear
101 To bow the supple knee, and court the times
102 With shows of fair obeisance; and a call
107 With stubborn nerves the tide, and face the rigour
112 Of old respect and gratitude, are [mine].
113 Surely the Masians too, and those of Egypt,
115 And the Praetorian camp have long revered,
117 And mother of their Caesars. Ha! by Juno,
123 And Cassius; Veto too, and Thrasea,
129 And bellow in the Circus) yet will start,
130 And shake 'em at the name of liberty,
136 To arm the hand of childhood, and rebrace
142 His high tribunal thou and I appear.
144 And lighten from thy eye: around thee call
148 To dress thy plea, and Burrhus strengthen it
149 With his plain soldier's oath and honest seeming.
150 Against thee, liberty and Agrippina:
151 The world, the prize; and fair befall the victors.
155 And cast me forth in duty to their lord.
164 Have arched the hearer's brow and riveted
166 What, so it be strange, and dreadful.— Sorceries,
169 And you, ye manes of ambition's victims,
174 In lieu of penitence and vain remorse,
178 And froze them up with deadly cruelty.
182 And sink the traitor in his mother's ruin. Exeunt.
184 Of amorous thefts: and had her wanton son
193 And oft reverted eye, as if she knew not
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (61 results)
2 And give to rapture all thy trembling strings.
6 Drink life and fragrance as they flow.
8 Deep, majestic, smooth, and strong,
9 Through verdant vales and Ceres' golden reign:
12 The rocks and nodding groves rebellow to the roar.
14 Parent of sweet and solemn-breathing airs,
16 And frantic Passions hear thy soft control.
19 And dropped his thirsty lance at thy command.
22 With ruffled plumes and flagging wing:
24 The terror of his beak, and lightnings of his eye.
30 With antic Sports and blue-eyed Pleasures,
40 O'er her warm cheek and rising bosom move
41 The bloom of young desire and purple light of love.
43 Labour, and penury, the racks of pain,
44 Disease, and sorrow's weeping train,
45 And death, sad refuge from the storms of fate!
47 And justify the laws of Jove.
49 Night, and all her sickly dews,
50 Her spectres wan, and birds of boding cry,
53 Hyperion's march they spy, and glittering shafts of war.
58 And oft, beneath the odorous shade
62 Their feather-cinctured chiefs, and dusky loves.
64 Glory pursue, and generous Shame,
65 The unconquerable Mind, and Freedom's holy flame.
75 Every shade and hallowed fountain
80 And coward Vice that revels in her chains.
83 Far from the sun and summer-gale,
88 Stretched forth his little arms and smiled.
93 Of horror that, and thrilling fears,
98 He passed the flaming bounds of place and time:
106 With necks in thunder clothed, and long-resounding pace.
110 Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.
121 Yet shall he mount, and keep his distant way
P Awake [up], my glory: awake, lute and harp.
P The subject and simile, as usual with Pindar, are united. The various sources of
P poetry, which gives life and lustre to all it touches, are here described; its quiet
P majestic progress enriching every subject (otherwise dry and barren) with a pomp
P of diction and luxuriant harmony of numbers; and its more rapid and irresistible course,
P when swoln and hurried away by the conflict of tumultuous passions.
P feet; and he wondered in his heart.]
P [Greek line (omitted)] [And on his rose-red cheeks there gleams the light of love.]
P To compensate the real and imaginary ills of life, the Muse was given to Mankind by the
P same Providence that sends the Day by its chearful presence to dispel the gloom and
P Extensive influence of poetic Genius over the remotest and most uncivilized nations:
P its connection with liberty, and the virtues that naturally attend on it. [See the
P Erse, Norwegian, and Welch Fragments, the Lapland and American songs.]
P ''Extra anni solisque vias—'' [Beyond the paths of the year and the sun—]
P Progress of Poetry from Greece to Italy, and from Italy to England. Chaucer was not
P unacquainted with the writings of Dante or of Petrarch. The Earl of Surrey and Sir Tho.
P Wyatt had travelled in Italy, and formed their taste there; Spenser imitated the
P Restoration, and a new one arose on the French model, which has subsisted ever since.
P For the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels - And above the firmament,
P Meant to express the stately march and sounding energy of Dryden's rhimes.
P Words, that weep, and tears, that speak.
P St. Cecilia's day: for Cowley (who had his merit) yet wanted judgment, style, and
P indeed of late days has touched the true chords, and with a masterly hand, in some of
P [Pindar] Olymp. 2. [88] Pindar compares himself to that bird, and his
P enemies to ravens that croak and clamour in vain below, while it pursues its flight,
- The Bard. A Pindaric Ode (59 results)
14 'To arms!' cried Mortimer, and couched his quivering lance.
19 (Loose his beard, and hoary hair
21 And with a master's hand, and prophet's fire,
23 'Hark, how each giant-oak, and desert cave,
36 'Smeared with gore, and ghastly pale:
38 'The famished eagle screams, and passes by.
48 'And weave with bloody hands the tissue of thy line.'
49 "Weave the warp, and weave the woof,
51 "Give ample room, and verge enough
53 "Mark the year and mark the night,
62 "And Sorrow's faded form, and Solitude behind.
71 "Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows,
74 "Youth on the prow, and Pleasure at the helm;
81 "Fell Thirst and Famine scowl
84 "Lance to lance, and horse to horse?
86 "And through the kindred squadrons mow their way.
88 "With many a foul and midnight murther fed,
90 "And spare the meek usurper's holy head.
96 "Stamp we our vengeance deep, and ratify his doom.
113 'And gorgeous dames, and statesmen old
123 'Bright Rapture calls, and soaring, as she sings,
126 'Fierce war and faithful love,
127 'And truth severe, by fairy fiction dressed.
129 'Pale Grief, and pleasing Pain,
133 'And distant warblings lessen on my ear,
138 'And warms the nations with redoubled ray.
141 'Be thine despair and sceptered care;
142 'To triumph, and to die, are mine.'
143 He spoke, and headlong from the mountain's height
P of mail, that sate close to the body, and adapted itself to every motion.
P Caernarvonshire and Merionethshire, as far east as the river Conway. R. Hygden[,] speaking
P and Matthew of Westminster, (ad ann. 1283,) ''Apud Aberconway ad pedes montis Snowdoniae
P Gilbert de Clare, surnamed the Red, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, son-in-law
P and probably accompanied the King in this expedition.
P Cambden and others observe, that eagles used annually to build their aerie among
P this island, as the Scots, and the people of Cumberland, Westmoreland, &c. can testify:
P published by Ray.] [John Ray (1627-1705) published (1676) and translated (London, 1678)
P Death of that King, abandoned by his Children, and even robbed in his last moments
P by his Courtiers and his Mistress [Alice Perrers, in 1377].
P Magnificence of Richard the Second's reign. See Froissard, and other contemporary Writers.
P Richard the Second, (as we are told by Archbishop Scroop and the confederate Lords
P in their manifesto, by Thomas of Walsingham, and all the older Writers)[,] was starved
P Ruinous civil wars of York and Lancaster.
P to save her Husband and her Crown.
P The white and red roses, devices of York and Lancaster [presumably woven above and
P Edward I received] is well known. The monuments of his regret, and sorrow for the loss of
P her, are still to be seen at Northampton, Geddington, Waltham, and other places.
P and should return again to reign over Britain.
P Both Merlin [Myrddin] and Taliessin had prophesied, that the Welch should regain their
P says, 'And thus she, lion-like rising, daunted the malapert Orator no less with her stately port
P and majestical deporture, than with the tartnesse of her princelie checkes.' [John Speed
P and his memory held in high veneration among his Countrymen. [His Book exists in only a
P thirteenth-century version and many of the poems in it may not be by Taliessin.]
P Fierce wars and faithful loves shall moralize my song.
- A Long Story (45 results)
3 The Huntingdons and Hattons there
8 And passages that lead to nothing.
12 The Seal and Maces danced before him.
13 His bushy beard and shoe-strings green,
14 His high-crowned hat and satin-doublet,
16 Though Pope and Spaniard could not trouble it.
21 A house there is (and that's enough)
24 But rustling in their silks and tissues.
28 And vainly ape her art of killing.
30 Had armed with spirit, wit, and satire:
32 And tipped her arrows with good-nature.
37 With bonnet blue and capucine,
38 And aprons long they hid their armour,
39 And veiled their weapons bright and keen
45 Who prowled the country far and near,
47 Dried up the cows and lamed the deer,
48 And sucked the eggs and killed the pheasants.
50 Swore by her coronet and ermine,
60 And up stairs in a whirlwind rattle.
61 Each hole and cupboard they explore,
62 Each creek and cranny of his chamber,
64 And o'er the bed and tester clamber,
65 Into the drawers and china pry,
66 Papers and books, a huge imbroglio!
75 Where, safe and laughing in his sleeve,
84 And chains invisible the border.
92 And begged his aid that dreadful day.
95 Owned that his quiver and his laurel
99 The Lady Janes and Joans repair,
100 And from the gallery stand peeping:
105 In peaked hoods and mantles tarnished,
110 And doff their hats with due submission:
116 And all that Groom could urge against him.
131 My lady rose and with a grace—
132 She smiled, and bid him come to dinner.
136 'The times are altered quite and clean!
138 'Her air and all her manners show it.
140 'Speak to a commoner and poet!'
141 And so God save our noble King,
142 And guard us from long-winded lubbers,
144 And keep my lady from her rubbers.
P Queen Elizabeth for his graceful Person and fine Dancing.
- [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment] (36 results)
P [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment]
4 Their roots to feed and fill their verdant veins;
5 And as in climes, where winter holds his reign,
11 That health and vigour to the soul impart,
12 Spread the young thought and warm the opening heart.
17 And scatter with a free though frugal hand
21 And blast the blooming promise of the year.
25 To either pole and life's remotest bounds.
29 The sparks of truth and happiness has given:
31 They follow pleasure and they fly from pain;
33 The event presages and explores the cause.
37 The social smile and sympathetic tear.
40 Here measured laws and philosophic ease
41 Fix and improve the polished arts of peace.
42 There Industry and Gain their vigils keep,
43 Command the winds and tame the unwilling deep.
44 Here force and hardy deeds of blood prevail;
48 And, where the deluge burst, with sweepy sway
53 Her boasted titles and her golden fields:
55 A brighter day and heavens of azure hue,
57 And quaff the pendent vintage, as it grows.
58 Proud of the yoke and pliant to the rod,
62 And sees far off with an indignant groan
63 Her native plains and empires once her own?
64 Can opener skies and suns of fiercer flame
67 Fade and expire beneath the eye of day?
69 To string our nerves and steel our hearts to war?
70 And, where the face of nature laughs around,
77 O'er Libya's deserts and through Zembla's snows?
83 And raise the mortal to a height divine.
96 And while their rocky ramparts round they see,
97 The rough abode of want and liberty,
102 From his broad bosom life and verdure flings,
103 And broods o'er Egypt with his watery wings,
104 If with adventurous oar and ready sail,
107 That rise and glitter o'er the ambient tide.
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid VI 646-88, 704-24] (33 results)
2 And furthest send its weight athwart the field,
6 Labouring the disc, and to small distance threw.
8 A slippery weight and formed of polished brass.
12 Of Pisa one and three from Ephyre.
18 And batter Cadmus' walls with stony showers,
21 He said, and scornful flung the unheeded weight
25 These conscious shame witheld and pride of noble line.
26 As bright and huge the spacious circle lay,
31 And, clashed, rebellows with the din of war.
33 Summoned his strength and called forth all the man.
41 And now in dust the polished ball he rolled,
43 Now fitting to his grip and nervous arm,
47 Firmly he plants each knee and o'er his head,
50 Sings in its rapid way and strengthens as it flies;
52 Heavy and huge, and cleaves the solid ground.
57 Their cymbals toss and sounding brass explore:
59 And smiles malignant on the labouring power.
61 With sturdy step and slow, Hippomedon.
62 Artful and strong he poised the well-known weight,
63 By Phlegyas warned and fired by Mnestheus' fate,
64 That to avoid and this to emulate.
66 Braced all his nerves and every sinew strung;
67 Then, with a tempest's whirl and wary eye,
68 Pursued his cast and hurled the orb on high;
71 Far overleaps all bound and joys to see
73 The theatre's green height and woody wall
76 While vales and woods and echoing hills rebound.
80 And parting surges round the vessel roar,
82 And scarce Ulysses scaped his giant arm.
84 With native spots and artful labour gay:
86 And calmed the terrors of his claws in gold.
- [Imitated] From Propertius. Lib: 2: Eleg: 1. (32 results)
2 Whence the soft strain and ever-melting verse:
6 She tunes my easy rhyme and gives the lay to flow.
10 And half disclose those limbs it should conceal;
15 And sing with what a careless grace she flings
19 With lulling notes, and thousand beauties see
21 When less averse and yielding to desires,
22 She half accepts and half rejects my fires;
24 And struggles to elude my longing eyes;
29 And many a copious narrative you'll see,
34 The laurelled triumph and the sculptured car,
42 And thou, Maecenas, be my second care;
43 Here Mutina from flames and famine free,
44 And there the ensanguined wave of Sicily,
45 And sceptred Alexandria's captive shore,
46 And sad Philippi red with Roman gore.
49 And hoary Nile with pensive aspect seem
52 Move through the sacred way and vainly threat.
54 And with his garlands weave thy ever-faithful name;
56 May tell of Jove and Phlegra's blasted plain,
59 Sailors to tell of winds and seas delight,
65 Happy the youth, and not unknown to fame,
74 And hates the tale of Troy for Helen's sake.
80 And find a cure for every ill but love.
82 Heal the slow chief and send again to war;
84 And Phoebus' son recalled Androgeon to the light.
86 The powerful mixture and the midnight spell.
88 And to this bosom give its wonted peace,
98 And wonder at the sudden funeral.
104 Of all our youth the ambition and the praise!);
106 And say, while o'er the place you drop a tear,
107 Love and the fair were of his life the pride;
108 He lived while she was kind, and, when she frowned, he died.
- Ode for Music (30 results)
2 'Comus and his midnight-crew,
3 'And Ignorance with looks profound,
4 'And dreaming Sloth of pallid hue,
17 Through every unborn age and undiscovered clime.
24 And, as the choral warblings round him swell,
26 And nods his hoary head and listens to the rhyme.
34 'With Freedom by my side, and soft-eyed Melancholy.'
35 But hark! the portals sound and, pacing forth
36 With solemn steps and slow,
37 High potentates and dames of royal birth
38 And mitred fathers in long order go:
41 And sad Chatillon, on her bridal morn
42 That wept her bleeding love, and princely Clare,
43 And Anjou's heroine, and the paler rose,
44 The rival of her crown and of her woes,
45 And either Henry there,
46 The murthered saint and the majestic lord,
53 And bade these awful fanes and turrets rise,
55 And thus they speak in soft accord
65 Foremost and leaning from her golden cloud
68 'To this, thy kindred train, and me:
73 'And bid it round heaven's altars shed
82 'She reveres herself and thee.
85 'And to thy just, thy gentle hand
87 'While spirits blest above and men below
90 'With watchful eye and dauntless mien
94 'And gilds the horrors of the deep.'
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (27 results)
4 And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
6 And all the air a solemn stillness holds,
8 And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds;
30 Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
32 The short and simple annals of the poor.
34 And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
39 Where through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault
52 And froze the genial current of the soul.
56 And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
62 The threats of pain and ruin to despise,
64 And read their history in a nation's eyes,
68 And shut the gates of mercy on mankind,
71 Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride
79 With uncouth rhymes and shapeless sculpture decked,
82 The place of fame and elegy supply:
83 And many a holy text around she strews,
104 'And pore upon the brook that babbles by.
110 'Along the heath and near his favourite tree;
115 'Approach and read (for thou can'st read) the lay,
118 A youth to fortune and to fame unknown.
120 And Melancholy marked him for her own.
121 Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere,
128 The bosom of his Father and his God.
P Of the sailors, and melts their hearts,
P And which pierces the new pilgrim with love,
P One cold tongue, and two beautiful closed eyes
- The Fatal Sisters. An Ode (24 results)
P and also in Bartholinus.
P went with a fleet of ships and a considerable body of troops
P Dublin: the Earl and all his forces were cut to pieces, and
P on horseback riding full speed towards a hill, and seeming to enter
P women: they were all employed about a loom; and as they wove,
P finished, they tore the web into twelve pieces, and (each taking
P her portion) galloped six to the north and as many to the south.
8 Orkney's woe, and Randver's bane.
11 And the weights that play below,
16 Keep the tissue close and strong.
18 Sangrida and Hilda see,
24 Hauberk crash and helmet ring.
26 Let us go, and let us fly,
31 Gondula and Geira, spread
34 Ours to kill and ours to spare:
53 Hail the task, and hail the hands!
54 Songs of joy and triumph sing!
60 Far and wide the notes prolong.
P They were mounted on swift horses, with drawn swords in their hands; and in the throng
P of battle selected such as were destined to slaughter, and conducted them to Valhalla,
P and served the departed Heroes with horns of mead and ale.
P How quick they wheel'd; and flying, behind them shot
- [Translation from Dante, Inferno Canto xxxiii 1-78] (24 results)
3 Of the half-devoured head he wiped, and thus
9 At once give loose to utterance and to tears.
13 In me Count Ugolino, and Ruggieri,
15 My wrongs and from them judge of my revenge.
17 By trusting, and by treachery slain, it recks not
19 To thee and all unknown (a horrid tale),
21 Attend, and say if he have injured me.
23 That grim and antique tower admitted (since
24 Of me the Tower of Famine hight, and known
30 Of Lucca, chased by hell-hounds gaunt and bloody
31 A wolf full-grown; with fleet and equal speed
33 And Sigismundo and Gualandi rode
36 Flashed to pursue and cheer the eager cry.
39 O'erta'en beheld, and in their trembling flanks
44 But yet in low and uncompleted sounds
49 Sad with the fears of sleep, and now the hour
52 And fastening bolts. Then on my children's eyes
55 They wept; and first my little dear Anselmo
60 And wan, such as mought entrance find within
62 My sons, and in four faces saw my own
70 That day and yet another, mute we sat
71 And motionless. O earth, could'st thou not gape
84 The hellish feast, and rent his trembling prey.
- [Translation] From Tasso [Gerusalemme Liberata] Canto 14, Stanza 32-9. (23 results)
3 And first to Ascalon their steps they bend,
8 Tempestuous, and all further course withstood:
10 Swoll'n with new force and late-descending rains.
18 And winter binds the floods in icy chains,
22 And sports and wantons o'er the frozen tide;
24 The river boiled beneath and rushed towards the main.
26 His course he turned and thus relieved their care:
27 'Vast, O my friends, and difficult the toil
30 Art it requires and more than winged speed.
35 Great things and full of wonder in your ears
42 And in the midst a spacious arch appears.
43 Their hands he seized and down the steep he led,
46 Discovered half, and half concealed, their way,
50 Earth's inmost cells and caves of deep descent.
56 Euphrates' fount and Nile's mysterious head.
58 And embryon metals undigested glow;
59 Sulphureous veins and living silver shine,
62 The parts combine and harden into ore.
64 And paint the margin of the costly stream.
66 And mix attempered in a various day.
68 And rubies flame, with sapphires heavenly blue;
70 Proud of its thousand dyes and luxury of light.
- Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (20 results)
5 And ye, that from the stately brow
19 And, redolent of joy and youth,
37 And unknown regions dare descry:
40 And snatch a fearful joy.
47 And lively cheer of vigour born;
57 And black Misfortune's baleful train!
64 And Shame that skulks behind;
68 And Envy wan, and faded Care,
70 And Sorrow's piercing dart.
74 And grinning Infamy.
76 And hard Unkindness' altered eye,
78 And keen Remorse with blood defiled,
79 And moody Madness laughing wild
90 And slow-consuming Age.
97 And happiness too swiftly flies.
P And bees their honey redolent of spring.
P — [And] Madness laughing in his ireful mood.
P Dryden's Fable of Palamon and Arcite. [ii. 582]
- The Candidate (18 results)
2 With a lick of court whitewash and pious grimace,
4 In harmless society guttle and scold.
8 But his nose is a shame and his eyes are so lewd!
9 Then he shambles and straddles so oddly, I fear—
15 'They say he's no Christian, loves drinking and whoring,
16 And all the town rings of his swearing and roaring,
17 His lying and filching, and Newgate-bird tricks:—
18 Not I,— for a coronet, chariot and six.'
19 Divinity heard, between waking and dozing,
20 Her sisters denying and Jemmy proposing;
22 She stroked up her belly and stroked down her band.
23 'What a pother is here about wenching and roaring!
24 Why David loved catches and Solomon whoring.
26 Their jewels of silver and jewels of gold?
30 Besides, he repents, and he talks about G[od].
34 He's Christian enough that repents and that [stitches].'
- The Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, By a Critic, To Mrs — (18 results)
5 E enters next and with her Eve appears.
7 What ease and elegance her person grace,
14 They're all diverted into H and B.
15 F follows fast the fair— and in his rear
18 With fans and flounces, fringe and furbelows.
19 Here Grub-street geese presume to joke and jeer,
24 H mounts to heaven and H descends to hell.
28 See Israel and all Judah thronging there. [...]
32 Mortals he loves to prick and pinch and pluck.
36 And now a player, a peer, a pimp or priest,
38 Now seems a penny, and now shows a pound.
46 And seems small difference the sounds between.
56 With rooks and rabbit-burrows round his seat.
59 And brings all womankind before your view:
60 A wench, a wife, a widow and a w[hor]e,
61 With woe behind and wantonness before.
- [Lines Spoken by the Ghost of John Dennis at the Devil Tavern] (17 results)
1 From purling streams and the Elysian scene,
4 Restored to Celadon and upper light.
10 The house of torture and the abyss of woe;
11 But happy fields and mansions free from pain,
12 Gay meads and springing flowers, best please the gentle swain.
16 And blundered through a narrow postern door.
19 Through entries long, through cellars vast and deep,
21 Where spiders spread their webs and owlish goblins sleep.
24 Betwixt the confines of the light and dark
27 And shadows in disguise skate o'er the iced Canal;
28 Here groves embowered and more sequestered shades,
31 With gloomy haunts and twilight walks between,
35 With Queen Elizabeth and Nicolini.
37 Would tire alike your patience and my muse.
44 Nobles and cits, Prince Pluto and his spouse,
51 And Alexander wears a ramilie.
- [Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude] (16 results)
3 With vermeil cheek and whisper soft
5 Till April starts, and calls around
7 And lightly o'er the living scene
15 And, lessening from the dazzled sight,
16 Melts into air and liquid light.
24 With forward and reverted eyes.
27 And o'er the cheek of Sorrow throw
31 And blacken round our weary way,
39 And blended form, with artful strife,
40 The strength and harmony of life.
44 And breathe and walk again:
47 The common sun, the air and skies,
52 And tastes it as it goes.
54 Broad and turbulent it grows
57 Mark where Indolence and Pride,
- Ode to Adversity (16 results)
3 Whose iron scourge and torturing hour,
7 And purple tyrants vainly groan
8 With pangs unfelt before, unpitied and alone.
12 And bade to form her infant mind.
16 And from her own she learned to melt at others' woe.
19 Wild Laughter, Noise, and thoughtless Joy,
20 And leave us leisure to be good.
21 Light they disperse, and with them go
24 To her they vow their truth and are again believed.
27 And Melancholy, silent maid
32 And Pity, dropping soft the sadly-pleasing tear.
38 With thundering voice and threatening mien,
40 Despair, and fell Disease, and ghastly Poverty.
46 Teach me to love and to forgive,
48 What others are, to feel, and know myself a man.
- Imitated from Propertius, Lib: 3: Eleg: 5: (15 results)
10 I'd in the ring knit hands and join the Muses' dance.
15 And when, our flames commissioned to destroy,
16 Age step 'twixt love and me, and intercept our joy;
18 And all its jetty honours turn to snow;
25 And whence, anew revived, with silver light
29 And whence the cloudy magazines maintain
36 Shakes all his pines and bows his hundred heads;
40 And what Bootes' lazy wagon tires;
42 Who measured out the year and bade the seasons roll;
51 Famine at feasts and thirst amid the stream.
53 And all the scenes that hurt the grave's repose,
54 But pictured horror and poetic woes?
56 Be love my youth's pursuit and science crown my age.
58 Redeem what Crassus lost and vindicate his name.
- The Descent of Odin. An Ode (14 results)
2 And saddled straight his coal-black steed;
8 Foam and human gore distilled:
10 Eyes that glow and fangs that grin;
11 And long pursues with fruitless yell
30 And drags me from the realms of night?
33 The drenching dews, and driving rain!
52 Prophetess, arise and say,
60 Once again arise and say,
74 Prophetess, awake and say,
78 And snowy veils, that float in air.
87 Pr. Hie thee hence and boast at home,
P when he shall break his bonds; the human race, the stars, and sun, shall disappear;
P the earth sink in the seas, and fire consume the skies: even Odin himself and his
- On L[or]d H[olland']s Seat near M[argat]e, K[en]t (13 results)
1 Old and abandoned by each venal friend,
3 To smuggle some few years and strive to mend
4 A broken character and constitution.
7 Here sea-gulls scream and cormorants rejoice,
8 And mariners, though shipwrecked, dread to land.
9 Here reign the blustering North and blighting East,
13 Now mouldering fanes and battlements arise,
14 Arches and turrets nodding to their fall,
16 And mimic desolation covers all.
20 And realised the ruins that we feign.
21 Purged by the sword and beautified by fire,
24 And foxes stunk and littered in St Paul's.'
- The Triumphs of Owen. A Fragment (11 results)
2 Owen swift, and Owen strong;
4 Gwyneth's shield and Britain's gem.
8 Liberal hand and open heart.
13 On her shadow long and gay
16 Catch the winds and join the war:
17 Black and huge along they sweep,
21 In glittering arms and glory dressed,
24 There the press and there the din;
32 Fear to stop and shame to fly.
34 Conflict fierce and Ruin wild,
36 Despair and honourable Death.
- William Shakespeare to Mrs Anne, Regular Servant to the Revd Mr Precentor of York (10 results)
4 Though now a book and interleaved, you see.
6 From fumbling baronets and poets small,
7 Pert barristers and parsons nothing bright:
10 Was fashioned fair in meek and dovelike guise;
12 By residence, by marriage, and sore eyes?
15 And (when thou hear'st the organ piping shrill)
16 Grease his best pen, and all he scribbles, tear.
17 Better to bottom tarts and cheesecakes nice,
20 Than thus be patched and cobbled in one's grave.
24 For glorious puddings and immortal pies.
- [Hymn to Ignorance. A Fragment] (8 results)
2 Ye gothic fanes and antiquated towers,
17 And dews Lethean through the land dispense
20 Break out, and flash a momentary day,
22 And huddle up in fogs the dangerous fire.
30 And all was Ignorance, and all was Night.
32 (The schoolman's glory, and the churchman's boast.)
35 And bring the buried ages back to view.
- Ode on the Spring (8 results)
4 And wake the purple year!
13 Where'er the rude and moss-grown beech
16 With me the Muse shall sit, and think
27 And float amid the liquid noon:
33 And they that creep, and they that fly,
35 Alike the busy and the gay
43 Poor moralist! and what art thou?
- Stanzas to Mr Bentley (8 results)
4 And bids the pencil answer to the lyre.
8 To local symmetry and life awake!
10 To censure cold and negligent of fame,
12 And catch a lustre from his genuine flame.
16 And Dryden's harmony submit to mine.
20 The pomp and prodigality of heaven.
24 And dazzle with a luxury of light.
27 And as their pleasing influence [...]
- [The Death of Hoel] (7 results)
2 With headlong rage and wild affright
4 To rush and sweep them from the world!
10 He asked and had the lovely maid.
19 Flushed with mirth and hope they burn:
21 Save Aeron brave and Conan strong,
23 And I, the meanest of them all,
24 That live to weep and sing their fall.
- [Invitation to Mason] (7 results)
1 Prim Hurd attends your call and Palgrave proud,
2 Stonhewer the lewd and Delaval the loud.
3 For thee does Powell squeeze and Marriott sputter,
4 And Glynn cut phizzes and Tom Nevile stutter.
7 For thee fat Nanny sighs and handy Nelly,
8 And Balguy with a bishop in his belly!
- Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes (6 results)
11 Her ears of jet, and emerald eyes,
12 She saw; and purred applause.
20 A whisker first and then a claw,
28 (Malignant Fate sat by, and smiled)
39 And be with caution bold.
41 And heedless hearts, is lawful prize;
- [Impromptus] (5 results)
3 And fairer than Esther,
6 He eat a fat goose and could not digest her—
6 And this upon his Lady—
10 Very good claret and fine champagne.
12 'Tis a sign you have eat just enough and no more.
- Lines on the Accession of George III (4 results)
2 And in his stead,
4 Then sing and sigh,
5 And laugh and cry,
- [Sketch of his Own Character] (4 results)
1 Too poor for a bribe and too proud to importune,
3 Could love and could hate, so was thought somewhat odd;
6 But left church and state to Charles Townshend and Squire.
- Song I (4 results)
1 'Midst beauty and pleasure's gay triumphs, to languish
2 And droop without knowing the source of my anguish;
3 To start from short slumbers and look for the morning—
5 Sighs sudden and frequent, looks ever dejected,
- Sonnet [on the Death of Mr Richard West] (4 results)
2 And reddening Phoebus lifts his golden fire:
8 And in my breast the imperfect joys expire.
10 And new-born pleasure brings to happier men:
14 And weep the more because I weep in vain.
- [Epitaph on Mrs Clerke] (3 results)
5 Affection warm, and faith sincere,
6 And soft humanity were there.
16 With life, with memory, and with love.
- [Epitaph on Sir William Williams] (3 results)
8 And scorned repose when Britain took the field.
9 With eyes of flame and cool intrepid breast,
12 Where melancholy Friendship bends and weeps.
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid IX 319-26] (3 results)
7 To skim the parent flood and on the margin play:
8 Fear he disdains and scorns the power of fate,
11 Visits each bank and stalks with martial pride,
- [Lines Written at Burnham] (2 results)
1 And, as they bow their hoary tops, relate
4 Cling to each leaf and swarm on every bough:
- [Parody on an Epitaph] (2 results)
2 She swept, she hissed, she ripened and grew rough,
3 At Broom, Pendragon, Appleby and Brough.
- Song II (2 results)
4 And the buds that deck the thorn?
9 Western gales and skies serene
- [Tophet] (2 results)
3 I saw them bow and, while they wished him dead,
8 And Satan's self had thoughts of taking orders.
- [Couplet about Birds] (1 result)
1 There pipes the woodlark, and the song-thrush there
- [Epitaph on Mrs Mason] (1 result)
4 And bids ''the pure in heart behold their God.''
- [Lines on Dr Robert Smith] (1 result)
2 And leaves not a chestnut in being?
- [Verse Fragments] (1 result)
5 [...] and smart beneath the visionary scourge