Search Results
The following 13 texts (sorted by results) match your query "which" (25 results):
- Agrippina, a Tragedy (5 results)
P clear herself, which she does briefly; but demands to see her
P after which she being to go by sea to Bauli, the ship is so
P which is to be furnished by Anicetus; but he, pretending to
25 Which fierce resentment cannot fail to raise
57 How vast the debt of gratitude which Nero
- The Bard. A Pindaric Ode (3 results)
P Snowdon was a name given by the Saxons to that mountainous tract, which
P the rocks of Snowdon, which from thence (as some think) were named by the Welch
P sovereignty over this island; which seemed to be accomplished in the House of Tudor [1768].
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (3 results)
P [(It was already the hour which turns back the desire
P And which pierces the new pilgrim with love,
P Which seems to mourn the dying day.]
- [Translation from Dante, Inferno Canto xxxiii 1-78] (3 results)
2 His gore-dyed lips, which on the clottered locks
18 That I advise thee; that which yet remains
64 For anguish, which they construed hunger. Straight
- The Fatal Sisters. An Ode (2 results)
P they sung the following dreadful Song; which when they had
P s.v. rifr) by nubes sagittarum, an error which Gray incorporated
- The Progress of Poesy. A Pindaric Ode (2 results)
P poetry, which gives life and lustre to all it touches, are here described; its quiet
P Restoration, and a new one arose on the French model, which has subsisted ever since.
- The Descent of Odin. An Ode (1 result)
P to which were devoted all such as died of sickness, old-age, or by any other means
- [Impromptus] (1 result)
8 She had a bad face which did sadly molest her.
- [Lines Spoken by the Ghost of John Dennis at the Devil Tavern] (1 result)
46 Plays, which were hissed above, below revive,
- Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1 result)
27 The captive linnet which enthrall?
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid IX 319-26] (1 result)
4 Exults in arms, which cast an iron gleam.
- [Translation] From Tasso [Gerusalemme Liberata] Canto 14, Stanza 32-9. (1 result)
60 Which soon the parent sun's warm powers refine,
- The Triumphs of Owen. A Fragment (1 result)
P [The Dragon-son] The red Dragon is the device of Cadwallader, which all his