Summary: Written in mid-June 1758 at the request of Thomas Wharton to commemorate his eldest son Robin who died in April 1758. First published in Gosse (ed.), Works (1884), vol. I, 126, from the transcript made by Alexander Dyce.
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 37, 82; Jones, Thomas Gray, Scholar (1937), "Register of Gray Autograph Manuscripts", VI. 20(a) "epitaph on a child", 181; Munby (ed.), Sale Catalogues (1971), Evans sale (27-29 November 1845), lot 624(?), 11, Sotheby's sale (12 August 1847), lot 89, 27, Sotheby's sale (28 August 1851), lot 53(?), 41, Sotheby's sale (4 August 1854), lot 228(?), 69; W[right]., Catalogue (1851), [lot 53?,] 9; Nelson, Christine, "extra-illustrated copy of Gray's Odes". E-mail to the editor, 14 November 2006
Contents: Autograph fair copy, here untitled but endorsed 'Epitaph on a Child' in an unidentified hand, bound into Gray's copy of Odes (1757).