Summary: Written in mid-June 1758 at the request of Thomas Wharton to commemorate his eldest son Robin who died in April 1758. First published in Gosse (ed.), Works (1884), vol. I, 126, from the transcript made by Alexander Dyce.
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 38, 82; Sutton (ed.), Location Register (1995), 414
Contents: Transcript in the hand of John Mitford, apparently from a Gray autograph and hence annotated "N.B. in Grays writing.", in John Mitford, Note-Books, vol. III "Mitford. Extracts from Mr Grays Common-place books", f. 74r.
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 39, 82
Contents: Transcript in the hand of John Mitford, here beginning "Here free from Pain...", in John Mitford, Note-Books, vol. III "Mitford. Extracts from Mr Grays Common-place books", f. 182r.