Summary: Written between May and August 1761 at the request of one of the executors of Sir William Williams, a politician and soldier Gray briefly met early in October 1760, who died 27 April 1761 on an expedition against Belle Ile. First published, as "Epitaph II. On Sir William Williams", in Mason'sPoems (1775), 62.
Alternate Form:
Microfilm copy available in Poetic Commonplace Books and Manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge (1999), reel one
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 46, 83; Poetic C. B., Pembroke College (1999), 30; Starr/Hendrickson (eds.), Complete Poems (1966), 105, for variants and rejected stanza
Contents: Transcript in the hand of William Mason, here entitled "Epitaph on Sr W J Williams" with two variants of l. 12 in "Variations" and a "Rejected Stanza", in Gray's Commonplace Book, vol. III, 1108.
Surrogates: Digital facsimile [JPEG] from original MS available online.
Contents: Transcript in an unidentified neat and legible hand, entitled "Epitaph on Sir Willm. Williams" (p. 113) ("Epitaph II." [p. 115]). The poem, which is annotated "This Epitaph (hitherto unpublished) was written at the request of Mr. Fred. Montagu, who intended to have inscribed it on a Monument at Bellisle, at the siege of which this accomplished youth was kill'd, 1761; but for some difficulty attending the erection of it, the design was not executed" on the title page, is part of a section called "Poems", which is separately paginated and has its own table of contents (p. 129), in a volume entitled Gray's Poems. The book carries the bookplate of Gray's friend and biographer William Mason.
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), 83; Sutton (ed.), Location Register (1995), 414; Ellner, June, "Re: MS 30/44, James Beattie papers". E-mail to the editor, 20 December 2006
Contents: Transcript in the hand of James Beattie, annotated in his hand "Sir William Williams (on whose death these lines were written at the request of his friend Mr Frederick Montagu) was killed in the last war. They were meant to be inscribed on a monument at Bellisle; but from some difficulties attending the execution of it, this design was not executed."
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 47, 83; Sutton (ed.), Location Register (1995), 414
Contents: Transcript of ll. 1-2 and 5-6 in the hand of John Mitford, here entitled "Epitaph on Sir W. Williams." and annotated "Mr. Montague asked him to write the Epitaph on Sir W. Williams and he could not refuse. He did not know much of him...", in John Mitford, Note-Books, vol. III "Mitford. Extracts from Mr Grays Common-place books", f. 181r.
Contents: Transcript of ll. 5-6 in the hand of John Mitford (crossed out), annotated "Mr. Montague asked him to write the Epitaph on Sir W. Williams, he could not refuse. He did not know much of him...", in John Mitford, Note-Books, vol. IV, f. 32v.