Summary: Probably written in April of 1742 and sent in a letter to Richard West, [23 April 1742]. First published, except ll. 1-30, in Mathias (ed.), Works (1814), vol. II, 87-89, published in full in Gosse (ed.), Works (1884), vol. i, 153.
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 63, 85; Toynbee/Whibley (eds.), Correspondence (1971), letter no. 105, vol. i, 196-199 (subscription required); Munby (ed.), Sale Catalogues (1971), Evans sale (27-29 November 1845), lot 613, 10, Sotheby's sale (12 August 1847), lot 87(?), 26, Sotheby's sale (4 August 1854), lot 245, 74
Contents: Autograph fair copy, headed "Lib: 2: Eleg: 1: To Mecaenas", sent in a letter to Richard West, [23 April 1742].
Alternate Form:
Microfilm copy available in Poetic Commonplace Books and Manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge (1999), reel one
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 64, 85; Poetic C. B., Pembroke College (1999), 24
Contents: Autograph fair copy, under the heading "Carmina", here entitled "From Propertius. Lib: 2: Eleg: 1. To Mecaenas", in Gray's Commonplace Book, vol. I, 254-255.
Surrogates: Digital facsimile [JPEG] from original MS available online.
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 65, 85
Contents: Transcript of ll. 1-30, here entitled "To Mecaenas", in the hand of John Mitford, headed "Propertii Eleg. 1. Lib. 2" and annotated "The first 30 Lines...are here supplied from Grays MS", in John Mitford, Note-Books, vol. III "Mitford. Extracts from Mr Grays Common-place books", ff. 77-78.