Alternate Form:
Microfilm copy available in Poetic Commonplace Books and Manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge (1999), reel one
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 57, 84; Poetic C. B., Pembroke College (1999), 22; Martin, Chronologie (1931), 138
Contents: Autograph fair copy, here untitled, under the heading "Carmina" and annotated "Rome -- July, 1740 just return'd from Naples", in Gray's Commonplace Book, vol. I, split over two pages: p. 115 (ll. 1-52) and p. 128 (ll. 53-61).
Surrogates: Digital facsimile [JPEG] from original MS available online.
Alternate Form:
Microfilm copy available in Poetic Commonplace Books and Manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge (1999), reel two
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 58, 84; Poetic C. B., Pembroke College (1999), 33
Contents: Autograph fair copy, here untitled, annotated in an unidentified hand "A Fragment in the Stile of Virgil, by T. Gray from Naples".