Summary: Written in 1737 when Gray was translating other Italian verse by Dante and Petrarch and sent in a letter to Richard West, [22 May 1737]. First published in Mathias (ed.), Works (1814), vol. II, 90-92.
Alternate Form:
Microfilm copy available in Poetic Commonplace Books and Manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge (1999), reel one
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 143, 93; Poetic C. B., Pembroke College (1999), 22; Martin, Chronologie (1931), 137
Contents: Autograph fair copy, revised, translation from Gerusalemme Liberata, headed "From Tasso. Canto, 14, Stanza, 32" in Gray's Commonplace Book, vol. I, 95-96.
Surrogates: Digital facsimile [JPEG] from original MS available online.