Title: "The bard; a Pindaric ode, by...founded on a tradition current in Wales that Edward the 1st ordered all the bards that fell into his hands to be put to death"
Date:[after 1773]
Physical Description: [?] pages, 190mm x 120mm (volume); transcript in the hand of John Freeman Milward Dovaston
References: Parks, Stephen et al. (ed.), Osborn Collection First-Line Index. New Haven: Beinecke Library, Yale University, 2005, 661, item R0238; Nelson (ed.), Union First Line Index. Mar. 2010. Folger Shakespeare Library. 16 April 2010. <http://firstlines.folger.edu/detail.php?id=10631>
Contents: Transcript in the hand of John Freeman Milward Dovaston, entitled "The bard; a Pindaric ode, by...founded on a tradition current in Wales that Edward the 1st ordered all the bards that fell into his hands to be put to death", in his autograph Select, and Miscellaneous Poems, Scraps, Mottos &c, 1773 and later, a Commonplace book of verse by Dovaston and others.