Summary: According to Starr/Hendrickson, possibly written in the late 1740s or early 1750s when Gray's criticism of the University authorities was particularly severe. First published in Gosse (ed.), Works (1884), vol. I, 134-135, where the poem is dated "about 1765".
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 120, 91; Munby (ed.), Sale Catalogues (1971), Evans sale (27-29 November 1845), lot 615(?), 10, Sotheby's sale (28 August 1851), lot 53(?), 42, Sotheby's sale (4 August 1854), lot 229(?), 70; W[right]., Catalogue (1851), [lot 53?,] 10
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), item GrT 121, 91; Sutton (ed.), Location Register (1995), 414
Contents: Transcript in the hand of John Mitford, here entitled "Lines on the Heads of Houses. Never a barrell better Herring" and beginning "Oh! Cambridge attend", in John Mitford, Note-Books, vol. III "Mitford. Extracts from Mr Grays Common-place books", ff. 186-187.
References: Smith (ed.), Index (1989), 91; Sutton (ed.), Location Register (1995), 414
Contents: Transcript, entitled "Lines on the Heads of Houses. Never barrell a better Herring", in the hand of John Mitford, in John Mitford, Note-Books, vol. IV, ff. 30r, 31r.