From an engraving after a painting by Benjamin Wilson (1721-1788)
From an engraving after the portrait by
John Giles Eccardt (d. 1779) -
from the edition of Gray's poems by Edmund Gosse, vol. ii.
Medaillon from the Gray monument by John Bacon the Elder
erected by William Mason (1724-1797) - at Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey
Picture by H. Adcock sc. -
used as a frontispiece in several 19th-century editions of Gray's works
From a painting attributed to Jonathan Richardson
the Elder (1667-1745), but possibly by Arthur Pond (1701-1758) -
in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
The painting appears to depict Gray as a young student at Eton (c. 1728-33)
Sitter in 1747 holding the MS of the Eton Ode,
painted at the request of Horace Walpole -
from a painting by John Giles Eccardt (d. 1779), originally in Walpole's Strawberry Hill home,
now in the National Portrait Gallery, London
From an engraving after a drawing by
L. F. Burney -
from the 2nd and following editions of Gray's
Works edited by William Mason
From a painting by Benjamin Wilson (1721-1788) -
in the possession of Mr John R. Murray
Silhouette of Gray, seated (1762), cut by Mrs. Wray,
wife of the antiquary Daniel Wray (1701-1783) -
Courtauld Institute of Art
Bust in white marble by William Behnes (1794-1864) -
provided by The Provost and Fellows of Eton College, located in Upper
School of Eton College
Roundel (14 1/2 inches in diameter), possibly
by John Deare (1759-1798) -
provided by The Provost and Fellows of Eton
College, located in Eton College Library