Search Results
The following 4 texts (sorted by results) match your query "rolled" (5 results):
- [Translation from Statius, Thebaid VI 646-88, 704-24] (2 results)
41 And now in dust the polished ball he rolled,
85 A shining border round the margin rolled,
- [The Alliance of Education and Government. A Fragment] (1 result)
49 Their arms, their kings, their gods were rolled away.
- [Hymn to Ignorance. A Fragment] (1 result)
11 Thrice hath Hyperion rolled his annual race,
- [Translation] From Tasso [Gerusalemme Liberata] Canto 14, Stanza 32-9. (1 result)
7 When thwart the road a river rolled its flood