Abrams, M. H.: The mirror and the lamp: romantic theory and the critical tradition. Reprinted edition. New York/London: W. W. Norton, 1958 [1st ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1953].
Abrams, M. H.: Natural supernaturalism: tradition and revolution in romantic literature. New York: W. W. Norton, 1971.
Aden, John M.: "An artless tale?" Sewanee Review (Univ. of the South, Sewanee, TN) 85 (1977), 697-701.
Albertini, Virgil: "Samuel Johnson's Life of Gray." Missouri English Bulletin (Northeast Missouri State Univ., Kirksville) XXV (May 1969), 8-12.
Ambrogi, A.: Thomas Gray e la sua avventura romana. Roma: Libreria dell'800 Editrice, 1945.
Anderson, A.: "Gray's Elegy in Miscellaneous Pieces, 1752". The Library: A Quarterly Journal of Bibliography 20 (1965), 144-148.
Arthos, John: The Language of Natural Description in Eighteenth-Century Poetry. University of Michigan publications / Language and literature, 24. Reprinted edition. London: Cass & Co., 1966.
Bache, William B.: "Gray's 'Sonnet: On the Death of Richard West'". CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association 31(2) (1968), 12.
Bacon, M. E.: "Blake and Gray: A Case of Literary Symbiosis". Culture (Quebec) 29 (1968), 42-50
Baldwin, Barry: "Thomas Gray on Posterity". The Scriblerian and the kit-cats 26(2) (1994), 159, also Notes and Queries 40 (238)(3) (Sep. 1993), 328-329.
Baldwin, Barry: "On some Greek and Latin poems by Thomas Gray". International journal of the classical tradition 1(1) (1994), 71-88.
Basden, Eric B.: Thomas Gray in Buckinghamshire: a supplementary bibliography. St Albans: [s.n.], 1962. [Note: "Fifty copies for private circulation"; see also E. B. Basden in Notes and Queries 9(7) (1962), 249-261, Notes and Queries 9(8) (1962), 283-296, Notes and Queries 9(9) (1962), 336-349, and Notes and Queries 13(6) (1966), 226-227.]
Bate, Walter J.: From Classic to Romantic: premises of taste in eighteenth-century England. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1946. [Reprinted ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1961.]
Bateson, F. W.: English Poetry. A Critical Introduction. Third edition. London: Longmans, 1961 [1st ed. 1950], "Gray's Elegy Reconsidered", 181-193.
Beatty, Bernard: "Unheard Voices, Indistinct Visions: Gray and Byron". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 224-247.
Bebb, Richard et al.: Gray and Collins [Sound recording]. Read by Richard Bebb, John Neville, George Rylands, and William Squire. The English Poets from Chaucer to Yeats, recorded in association with The British Council and Oxford University Press, directed by George Rylands. Argo PLP 1031. London: Decca, 1972.
Bell, Charles Francis: "Thomas Gray and the fine arts." Essays and studies by members of the English association 30 (1944), 50-81.
Benson, Arthur Christopher: Thomas Gray. Eton: R.I. Drake, 1895.
Bentley, G. E., Jr: "The accuracy of the Blake reproductions." Blake Newsletter (Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque) 8 (1974), 88-89.
Bentman, Raymond: "Thomas Gray and the Poetry of 'Hopeless Love'". Journal of the History of Sexuality 3(2) (Oct. 1992), 203-222.
Bidwell, John: "Designs by Mr. J. Baskerville for Six Poems by Mr. T. Gray". Book Collector 51(3) (Autumn 2002), 355-371.
Billi, Mirella: "Landscape aesthetics in the 18th century: from description to vision". Michele Bottalico, Maria Teresa Chialant, Eleonora Rao (eds.), Literary landscapes: landscape in literature. Rome: Carocci, 2007, 61-72. [Discusses Gray, Gilpin, and Beckford.]
Blake, William: William Blake's Water-colours illustrating the poems of Thomas Gray. With an introduction and commentary by Sir Geoffrey Keynes. Chicago: J. P. O'Hara, in association with Trianon Press, Paris, 1972 [also Boissia, Clairvaux: Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, 1972, and reissued London: Eyre Methuen in association with Trianon Press, Paris, 1972, and London: Distributed by B. Quaritch, 1972] [Blake's water colours, each framing a page of text from the London, J. Murray, 1790 edition of Gray's poems, were first published in reproduction in London, 1922, under the title William Blake's designs for Gray's poems]. [Includes illustrations, each water-colour contains the text illustrated. All 116 are reproduced in monochrome, 16 also in colour.]
Blake, William: Blake's water-colours for the poems of Thomas Gray: with complete texts by William Blake. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2000 [originally published as: William Blake's water-colour designs for the poems of Thomas Gray (3 vols.). With a new introduction. Boissia, Clairvaux, Jura: Tianon Press for the William Blake Trust, 1971.]
Bloom, Harold (ed.): Poets of Sensibility and the Sublime. New York: Chelsea House Publ., 1986.
Bloom, Harold (ed.): Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". Modern Critical Interpretations. New York: Chelsea House Publ., 1987.
Borinski, Ludwig: "Thomas Gray. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". Karl Heinz Göllner (ed.), Die englische Lyrik. Von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart, 2 vols. Düsseldorf: August Bagel, 1968, vol. 1, 255-268.
Bowlby, Rachel: "'Where Ignorance Is Bliss': The Folly of Origins in Gray and Hardy". Comparative Critical Studies 5(2-3) (2008), 271-288.
Boyce, Benjamin: "Sounding Shells and Little Prattlers in the Mid-Eighteenth-Century English Ode". Eighteenth Century Studies 8(3) (Spring 1975), 245-264.
Brady, Frank: "Structure and Meaning in Gray's Elegy". Frederick W. Hilles and Harold Bloom (eds.): From Sensibility to Romanticism: Essays Presented to Frederick A. Pottle. New York: Oxford UP, 1965, 177-189.
Bredvold, Louis I.: The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798. New York: Collier Books, 1962, 113-118 ("Collins and Gray").
British Library: Thomas Gray. An excerpt from the General Catalogue of Printed Books, revised 1972. British Library Series. London: Published for the British Library Board by British Museum Publications Ltd, 1974.
Bronson, Bertrand H.: "On a Special Decorum in Gray's Elegy." Frederick W. Hilles and Harold Bloom (eds.): From Sensibility to Romanticism: Essays Presented to Frederick A. Pottle. New York: Oxford UP, 1965, 171-176.
Bronson, Bertrand H.: Facets of the Enlightenment: Studies in English Literature and its Contexts. Berkeley [etc.]: U. of California P., 1968, "The Pre-Romantic or Post-Augustan Mode", 159-172.
Brooke, Stopford A.: Naturalism in English Poetry. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1920, ch. III "Collins and Gray", 42-65.
Brooks, Cleanth: The Well Wrought Urn. Studies in the Structure of Poetry. London: Methuen, 1968 [1st ed. 1947], "Gray's Storied Urn", 85-100. [Also in Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 23-32.]
Butler, Marilyn: Mapping Mythologies: Countercurrents in Eighteenth-Century British Poetry and Cultural History. Cambridge: CUP, 2015, chapter 3 "Collins and Gray", 56-87.
Butt, John: The Augustan Age. London: Hutchinson's University Library Series, vol. 43, 1950, "Imitation and Original Composition - Gray", 105-114.
Bygrave, Stephen: "Gray's 'Elegy': Inscribing the Twilight". Richard Machin and Christopher Norris (eds.), Post-Structuralist Readings of English Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987, 162-175.
Calè, Luisa: "Gray's Ode and Walpole's China Tub: The Order of the Book and The Paper Lives of an Object." Eighteenth-Century Studies 45(1) (Fall 2011), 105-125.
Cameron, Kenneth Walter: "Emerson and the poet Thomas Gray." American Renaissance Literary Report (Hartford, CT) 9 (1995), 107.
Carnochan, W. B.: "The Continuity of Eighteenth-Century Poetry: Gray, Cowper, Crabbe, and the Augustans". Eighteenth Century Life 12(2) (May 1988), 119-127.
Carnochan, W. B.: "An imitation of Gray's Elegy, King's Bench Prison, 1816.". Notes and Queries 58(4) (Dec 2011), 546-548.
Carper, Thomas R.: "Gray's 'Orders of Insects': A Mnemonic Device". Notes and Queries 20 (1973), 213-214.
Carper, Thomas R.: The One Writing of Thomas Gray: A Reading of all the Poetry. Thesis (Ph.D.), Boston University, 1973 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1973].
Carper, Thomas R.: "Dating Gray's Translations from the Greek Anthology". Notes and Queries 21 (1974), 255-256.
Carper, Thomas R.: "Gray's Personal Elegy". Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 17 (1977), 451-462.
Casson, Christopher: Treasury of Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Gray[,] William Collins. [Sound recording]. Poems, read by Christopher Casson. Spoken Arts cassette library for advanced listeners series. [S.l.]: [s.n.] [, 1967] [reissued 1969]. [Includes biographical notes on slipcase]
Cecil, David: The Poetry of Thomas Gray. Warton Lecture on English Poetry, read 21st March 1945. Proceedings of the British Academy, London (Founded 1901), vol. 31, 1945. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1946 [1st ed. 1945] [reprinted London: G. Cumberlege, [1946] and Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1974]. Review: George Jackson in English 6 (1946), 38.
Cecil, David: Two Quiet Lives: Dorothy Osborne, Thomas Gray. London: Constable and Company Ltd.; Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1948 [reprinted 1965, reprinted London: Readers Union, 1949].
Cellier, Alfred: Gray's Elegy: cantata: composed expressly for the Leeds Festival, 1883. Arranged from the full score by Berthold Tours. London: Chappell & Co., [1883].
Chiasson, Elias: "The Courtly Lady in Gray's Elegy". Publications of the Missouri Philological Association 3 (1978), 39-49.
Clark, S. H.: "'Pendet Homo Incertus': Gray's Response to Locke, I: 'Dull in a New Way'". Eighteenth Century Studies 24(3) (Spring 1991), 273-291.
Clark, S. H.: "'Pendet Homo Incertus': Gray's Response to Locke, II: 'De principiis Cogitandi'". Eighteenth Century Studies 24(4) (Summer 1991), 484-503.
Clarke, Stephen: "Boswell and Mason, Johnson and Gray: an encounter". The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual 20 (2010), 95-109.
Clarke, Stephen: "Unhorsed by Pegasus: Gray's Poetry and the Critics before The Lives of the Poets". The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual 21 (2011), 193-215.
Clymer, Lorna: "Graved in Tropes: The Figural Logic of Epitaphs and Elegies in Blair, Gray, Cowper, and Wordsworth". ELH. A journal of English Literary History 62(2) (Summer 1995), 347-386.
Combecher, Hans: Deutung englischer Gedichte. 2. Auflage. Frankfurt/Main: Moritz Diesterweg, 1965, "Thomas Gray: Ode on the Spring", 52-57.
Conti Camaiora, Luisa: Gray -- Keats -- Hopkins: Poetry and the Poetic Presence.. Lecce: Milella, [1985], chapter I "Thomas Gray: Two Early Odes and the Elegy", 11-57. Review: Marialuisa Bignami in Modern Language Review (London) 84(2) (1989), 444-445.
Conti Camaiora, Luisa: Virtuous texts: the idea of virtue in poems by Pope, Gray and Goldsmith. Milan: Vita e pensiero, 2003.
Cook, Albert S. (ed.): A Concordance to the English poems of Thomas Gray. Ed. by Albert S. Cook, president of the Concordance Society. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1908 [reprinted Gloucester, Mass.: P. Smith, 1967, Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1974, Norwood: Norwood Editions, 1976, and Philadelphia: R. West, 1977]. Review: C. S. Northup in Modern language notes 24(6) (Jun. 1909), 187.
Cosgrove, Brian: "'Ev'n in Our Ashes Live Their Wonted Fires': Privation and Affirmation in Gray's Elegy". English 29 (1980), 117-130.
Coykendall, Abby: "Queer Counterhistory and the Specter of Effeminacy". Boe, Ana de Freitas and Abby Coykendall (eds.), Heteronormativity in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2014, 111-129.
Craik, T. W.: "Gray's Humorous and Satirical Verse". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 111-125.
Crawford, Iain: "'Large Was His Bounty, and His Soul Sincere' - Gray's Elegy, Theme, and Intertextuality in Great Expectations". Dickens Quarterly 4(4) (Dec. 1987), 195-199.
Crawford, Iain: "Wading Through Slaughter: John Hampden, Thomas Gray, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein". Studies in the novel 20(3) (Fall 1988), 249-261.
Cudworth, Charles: "Thomas Gray and Music". The Musical Times 112 (July 1971), 646-648.
Curr, Matthew: The Consolation of Otherness: The Male Love Elegy in Milton, Gray and Tennyson. Jefferson, NC and London: McFarland & Co., 2002, chapters 2 and 3.
Davie, Donald: The Language of Science and the Language of Literature, 1700-1740. London: Sheed and Ward, 1963.
Davie, Donald: "Afterword". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 256-262.
Davie, Donald: "Introduction". Donald Davie (ed.): The Late Augustans: Longer Poems of the Later Eighteenth Century. London: Heinemann, 1977 [1st ed. 1958].
Decker, Christopher: "The poet as reader: Thomas Gray's borrowings from Cambridge college libraries". Library: the transactions of the Bibliographical Society (Oxford) 3(2) (2002), 163-193.
Deegan, William J.: A Study of the Poetic Craftsmanship of Thomas Gray as Shown by His English Poems. Unpub. univ. diss., University of Pittsburgh, 1962. [Abstr. in Dissertation Abstracts (22) 4014A.]
Deutsch, Helen: "Elegies in Country Churchyards: the prospect poem in and around the eighteenth century". Karen Weisman (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of The Elegy. Oxford: OUP, 2010, chapter 10, 187-205.
Dillon, Andrew: "Depression and Release: The Journey of the Spirit in Thomas Gray's 'Elegy'". North Dakota Quarterly 60(4) (Fall 1992), 128-134.
Dilworth, Ernest: "'Landor on Gray's Sonnet on the Death of West". Notes and Queries 15 (1968), 215.
Dingley, R. J.: "The Ending of Gray's 'Elegy'". AUMLA. Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 61 (May 1984), 29-36.
Dobson, Austin: Eighteenth century studies. The Wayfarer's Library. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, [1914?], "Gray's biographer", 277-295.
Doherty, F.: "The Two Voices of Gray". Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism 13 (1963), 222-230.
Dolan, John: Poetic Occasion from Milton to Wordsworth. Early Modern Literature in History series. Houndmills; New York: MacMillan; St. Martin's Press, 2000, chapter 5 "'To Darkness and to Me': Mental Event as Poetic Occasion".
Dongu, Maria Grazia: "Cercare sè negli altri. Prove di Poesia: una traduzione latina di Petrarca nel Settecento Inglese". Letterature straniere &. Quaderni della Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere dell'Università degli studi di Cagliari 4 (2002), 93-108.
Dongu, Maria Grazia: "How far from the Madding Crowd? Gray, Algarotti and the European Republic of Letters". Frederic Ogee, "Better in France?": The Circulation of Ideas Across the Channel in the Eighteenth Century. Lewisburg, [Pa.]: Bucknell University Press, 2005, 252-268.
Dongu, Maria Grazia: "Thomas Gray fra centro e periferia". Francesco Marroni, Irene Meloni, Maria Grazia Dongu (eds.), Cityscapes: islands of the self: vol. 1, Literary and cultural studies. Cagliari: CUEC, 2007, 129-138.
Dongu, Maria Grazia: Thomas Gray Ludens: Frammenti dal Grand Tour. Metodi e prospettive, Studi di Linguistica, Filologia, Letteratura. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2014.
Dongu, Maria Grazia: "Gray's 'Elegy': A Polyphonous Elegy Sung to the Silence of Death". Vahid Parvaresh and Alessandro Capone (eds.), The Pragmeme of Accommodation: The Case of Interaction around the Event of Death. Cham, Switzerland: Springer: 2017, 441-458.
Dongu, Maria Grazia: "Viaggiatori sentimentali e scientifici nel Distretto dei Laghi: i diari di viaggio di Thomas Gray e William Wordsworth". Open Journal of Humanities 5 (2020), 3-24. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/47FXV
Downey, James and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University[, 1971]. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974. [Includes bibliographical references, illustrations and index]. Reviews: C. J. Rawson in Modern Philology 76(2) (Nov. 1978), 202, Joseph A. Wittreich in Blake 8(4) (1975), 141, James Gray in English Studies in Canada (Univ. of New Brunswick, Fredericton) 1 (1975), 111-115.
During, Simon: "Elegizing Cultural Capital" Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 56(1) (Apr. 2023), 15-31.
Dutoit, Thomas: "Poetry of twilight in Collins' "Ode to Evening" and in Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". By Jacques Derrida." Oxford Literary Review 25 (2003), 5-37.
Dyson, A. E.: "The Ambivalence of Gray's Elegy". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 83-87.
Easson, Angus: "'A Man of Genius': Gray and Wordsworth". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 205-223.
Eaves, Duncan T. C.: "The Second Edition of Thomas Gray's 'Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat'". Philological quarterly (1949), 512.
Eby, Cecil D.: "Anne Bradstreet and Thomas Gray: A Note on Influence". Historical collections 97(4) (1961), 292.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "A Reading of Gray's 'Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes'". English Studies in Africa: A Journal of the Humanities 26(2) (1983), 99-104.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Diction and Allusion in Two Early Odes by Gray". The Durham University journal 79(1) (Dec. 1986), 31-36.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: Wonted Fires: A Reading of Thomas Gray. Salzburg studies in English literature. Romantic reassessment, 111. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press; Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1992.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Two Sources for Gray's 'Eton College Ode'". Notes and queries for readers and writers, collectors and librarians 42 (240)(1) (Mar. 1995), 67-68.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Gray, Hunt, Keats and the Idea of Artistic Succession". Keats Shelley Journal 44 (1995), 17-22.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Gray, Propertius, and the Games Stanza in the Eton College Ode". Notes and Queries 242(3) (Sep. 1997), 319-320.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". Explicator (Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, Washington, DC) 59(2) (Winter 2001), 76-78.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Gray's 'Elegy' and Thomas Brown's 'Pastoral on the Death of Queen Mary'". Notes and Queries 48(246)(4) (Dec 2001), 413.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "The Heroic Mental Journey: A Note on a Topos". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 16(1) (Winter 2003), 24-27.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "A source for the epitaph in Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 16(3) (2003), 18-19.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Milton, Gray, and West's 'Monody on the Death of Queen Caroline'". Review of English Studies: The Leading Journal of English Literature and the English Language 54(215) (June 2003), 386-398.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Gray's 'Ode on the Spring' and Pope's Essay on Man". Notes and Queries 50(248), no. 2 (June 2003), 205.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "An Allusion to Ovid's Heroides in Gray's 'Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College'". Notes and Queries 51(249) (Mar 2004), 48.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Addison's 'Campaign' and Gray's 'Elegy'". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 17(3) (Summer 2004), 27-28.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "St. John Chrysostom's 'Homilies on Romans' and Gray's 'Elegy'". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 18(2) (Spring 2005), 28-29.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Irving's Chronicle of Wolfert's Roost, Goldsmith's 'The Deserted Village', and Gray's 'Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College'". Explicator 65(3) (Spring 2007), 139-142.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "A Source for the 'Village-Hampden' Stanza in Gray's 'Elegy'". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 20(1) (Winter 2007), 35-36.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Gray and Johnson: parallel sentiments in the 'Eton College Ode' and 'Rasselas'". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 20(2) (Spring 2007), 20-22.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Blair's Grave and Gray's 'Elegy'". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 20(4) (Fall 2007), 50-58.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "An Echo of Night Thoughts in Gray". Notes and Queries 56(3) (Sep 2009), 354.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "An Echo of Young in Gray's 'Bard'". Notes and Queries 56(3) (Sep 2009), 360.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning: "Echoes of Gray in Scott's Marmion." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 22(4) (2009), 16-19.
Edwards, Elizabeth: "Iniquity, terror and survival: Welsh gothic, 1789-1804". Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 35(1) (2012), 119-133.
Ehrenpreis, Irvin: "The Cistern and the Fountain: Art and Reality in Pope and Gray". Howard Anderson and John S. Shea (eds.), Studies in Criticism and Aesthetics, 1660-1800: Essays in Honor of Samuel Holt Monk. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota P., 1967, 156-175.
Elliott, Roger: "The bard as moping owl." Cambridge Quarterly (Cambridge Quarterly Assn, Clare College, Cambridge) 15 (1986), 207-215.
Ellis, Frank H.: "Gray's Elegy: The Biographical Problem in Literary Criticism". Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 66 (1951), 971-1008. [Also Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 51-75.]
Ellis, Frank H.: "Gray's Eton College Ode: The Problem of Tone". Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 5 (1969), 130-138.
Ellis, R. J.: "Plodding Plowmen: Issues of Labour and Literacy in Gray's 'Elegy'". John Goodridge (ed.), The Independent Spirit: John Clare and the Self-Taught Tradition. Helpston: John Clare Soc. & Margaret Grainger Memorial Trust, 1994, 27-43.
Empson, William: English Pastoral Poetry. New York: W. W. Norton, 1938.
Empson, William: "Proletarian Literature". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 109.
Engell, James: The Creative Imagination: Enlightenment to Romanticism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1981.
Epstein, William H.: "Assumed Identities: Gray's Correspondence and the 'Intelligence Communities' of Eighteenth-Century Studies". The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 32(3) (Autumn 1991), 274-288.
Epstein, William H.: "Professing Gray: The Resumption of Authority in Eighteenth-Century Studies". Leo Damrosch (ed.) and Marshall Brown (comment), The Profession of Eighteenth-Century Literature: Reflections on an Institution. Madison: U. of Wisconsin P., 1992, 84-94.
Eversole, Richard: "The Wooden 'Frail Memorial' in Gray's Elegy". Notes and Queries 21 (1974), 56-57.
Fairer, David: "Thomas Wharton, Thomas Gray, and the Recovery of the Past". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 146-170.
Fairer, David: "Happy Returns? Lamb, Gray, and Wordsworth's Ruined Cottage". Charles Lamb Bulletin 131 (July 2005), 62-75.
Falcone, Eugenio: "L'elegia di Thomas Gray". Nuova Antologia 530 (1977), 325-335.
Ferguson, John: "Gray and Catullus". Notes and Queries 25 (1978), 60-61.
Fisher, J.: "James Hammond and the Quatrain of Gray's Elegy". Modern Philology 32(3) (1935), 301-310.
Fisher, J.: "Shenstone, Gray, and the 'Moral Elegy'". Modern Philology 34(3) (1937), 273-294.
Foerster, Donald M.: "Thomas Gray". The Age of Johnson: essays presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker. New Haven: Yale UP, 1949, 217-226.
Fogarasi, György: "Payments of Attention: Epitaphic Cash Flow in Gray and Wordsworth". Balfour, Robert J. (ed.), Culture, Capital and Representation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 67-82.
Foladare, Joseph: "Gray's 'Frail Memorial' to West". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 112-114.
Foley, T. P.: "A Source for Gray's Mute 'Inglorious Milton'". Notes and Queries 31 (229)(3) (Sep. 1984), 397.
Folliot, Laurent: "Thomas Gray's Sensibility and the Sublimity of Reserve". Études Anglaises 72(1) (Jan-Mar 2019), 29-51,122.
Forsyth, Cecil: The cat and the gold fish: cantata for three-part women's chorus. New York: H. W. Gray co., 1920.
Frayling, Christopher: Horace Walpole's Cat. Illustrated by Richard Bentley, William Blake and Katherine Hale. London: Thames & Hudson, 2009.
Fruchter, Barry George: Studies in the English elegy. Univ. Diss. Microfilm edition. State University of New York at Stony Brook, N.Y., 1977.
Fry, Paul H.: The Poet's Calling in the English Ode. New Haven: Yale UP, 1980, "Thomas Gray's Feather'd Cincture", 63-96.
Fukuhara, Rintaro: A Bibliographical Study of Thomas Gray. With an appendix: Gray's marginalia on cookery, printed for the first time from the MS. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1933. [A bibliography, with explanatory notes in Japanese, with a portrait]
Fukuhara, Rintaro: English poems and translations of Richard West: a collection, with introduction & appendix "Thomas Gray and Richard West", 1959. [Tokyo]: [Kyoritsu Joshi Daigaku], [1959]. [Added t.p. in Japanese, Introd. and appendix in Japanese and English]
Fukuhara, Rintaro: Essays on Thomas Gray. Tokyo: Tokyo UP, 1960.
Fukuhara, Rintaro and Henry Bergen: An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray. The three manuscripts. Primrose Hill: E. Walters and G. Miller, 1933.
Galigani, Giuseppe: Tra poesia e pittura: Il Bardo di Thomas Gray e le arti figurative. Nuovi saggi, 126. Parma: Pratiche, c1995. [Contains illustrations, the text of the poem in English and in Italian translation, bibliographical references ([121]-123), and index]. Reviews: C. Maria Laudando in Istituto Universitario Orientale (Napoli): Annali / Anglistica 38(1-2) (1995), 219-222, and in Comparatistica 7 (1995), 177-179.
Ganf, T. A.: "K voprosu o vzgliadakh Tomasa Greia na poëziiu: iz istorii angliiskoo poëzii XVIII v. (Thomas Gray's views on poetry: history of eighteenth-century English poetry.)" Realizm v zarubezhnykh literaturakh XIX i XX vekov (Saratov Univ., Saratov, USSR) 1979(6), 186-191.
Garrett, John: British Poetry Since the Sixteenth Century. A Student's Guide. London: MacMillan, 1986, "A Tilt towards Romanticism: Thomas Gray", 94-102.
Garrison, James D.: "Thomas Gray's Elegy in Russian Translation". Babel: Revue Internationale de la Traduction 51(1) (2005), 49-61.
Garrison, James D.: "Pietoso stile: Italian Translations of Gray's Elegy to 1900". Modern Language Notes 121(1) (Jan 2006), 167-186.
Garrison, James D.: A Dangerous Liberty: Translating Gray's Elegy. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2009.
Garrod, H. W.: "Note on the Composition of Gray's Elegy". Essays on the Eighteenth Century Presented to David Nichol Smith. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1945, 111-116.
George, David B.: "An Etymological Reading of Thomas Gray's 'Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat'". Classical Journal 82(4) (Apr.-May 1987), 329-330.
Gesalí, Esteban Pujals: "Neoclassical Avant-Garde: Thomas Gray's Poems and Letters". Philip C. Sutton (ed. and introd.), Betwixt-and-Between: Essays in Liminal Geography. Madrid: Gateway, 2002, 87-99.
Gibson, Donald et al. (eds.): Thomas Gray: "Elegy in a Country Churchyard", Latin translations 1762-2001, ed. by Donald Gibson, Peter Wilkinson, and Stephen French. Orpington: The Holden Press, 2008.
Gilmore, Thomas B., Jr.: "Allusion and Melancholy in Gray's 'Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College'". Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 15 (1979), 52-58.
Glazier, Lyle: "Gray's Elegy: 'The Skull Beneath the Skin'". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 33-40.
Gleckner, Robert F.: "Blake, Gray, and the Illustrations". Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 19 (1977), 118-140.
Gleckner, Robert F.: Gray Agonistes: Thomas Gray and Masculine Friendship. Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. [Includes bibliographical references and index. The book examines in detail the influence which Milton's poetry and life had on Gray and the relationship which Gray had with his friend Richard West, also a poet and admirer of Milton]. Reviews: Suvir Kaul in Modern Philology 97(3) (Feb. 2000), 468-470, M. Wechselblatt in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 98(1) (Jan. 1999), 118-121, M. Walsh in The Review of English Studies 50(197) (Feb. 1999), 109, Daniel E. White in Criticism (Detroit) 40(1) (Winter 1998), 145-148, John Sitter in South Atlantic Review: the publication of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (University, AL) (formerly South Atlantic Bulletin) 62(3) (1997), 132-134, Heidi Thomson in Modern Language Review 93(4) (1998), 1088-1089, R. Wells in Times Literary Supplement (15 May 1998), 12-14, William Levine in Eighteenth-Century Studies (American Soc. for Eighteenth Century Studies, Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC) 36(3) (2003), 429-436, George E. Haggerty, "Gray Revisited". The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual 22 (2012), 331-336.
Golden, Morris: Thomas Gray. Updated edition. Twayne's English authors series, TEAS 6. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988 [1st ed. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1964]. [Contains illustration, bibliography (144-151) and index]. Reviews: R. George Thomas in Modern language review 62(2) (Apr. 1967), 318, M. Bell in College English (National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL) XXVII (1966), 435, Paul Ranger (of updated edition) in Notes and Queries: for readers and writers, collectors and librarians (Oxford) 37(3), 349-350.
Goodison, J. W.: "A Silhouette of Thomas Gray by the Rev. Francis Mapletoft". Apollo 48(283) (1948), 66.
Goodridge, John: "'Three cheers for mute ingloriousness!': Gray's Elegy in the poetry of John Clare". Critical Survey (New York; Oxford) 11(3) (1999), 11-20.
Gorji, Mina: "Burns's sentiments: Gray, Milton and To a Mountain-Daisy". Sergeant, David and Fiona Stafford (eds.): Burns and other poets. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2012, 67-79.
Gosse, Edmund W.: Gray. London: MacMillan and Co., 1889 [1st ed. 1882].
Grant, Sarabeth Ann: "Historical Representation, Commemoration, and Burying the Dead: Writing History in Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'". CLIO: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 45(2) (2016), 137-157.
Grant, Sarabeth Ann: Claiming History: Historiography, Commemoration, and Aesthetic Recompense, 1743-1751. Unpub. univ. diss., Brandeis U., 2016. [Abstr. in Dissertation Abstracts International (Ann Arbor, MI) DA3723507. Contains a chapter on Gray's Elegy.]
Grant, Sarabeth Ann: "Returning to Eton: Writing History and Temporality in Thomas Gray's 'Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College'". Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 53(2) (2017), 132-165.
Grant, Sarabeth Ann: Exemplary England: Historical Inquiry and Literary Recompense in Pope, Gray, and Richardson. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2023. [Contains a chapter entitled “Their Artless Tale Relate”: Pastoral Elegy And Geography in “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”]
Gray, Thomas: The Poetical works of Thomas Gray, Thomas Parnell, William Collins, Matthew Green, and Thomas Warton. Edited by Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated by Birket Foster and E. Corbould. Second edition. Routledge's British poets series. London: George Routledge, 1855. [Includes illustrations and index]
Gray, Thomas: Select poems of Thomas Gray. Ed., with notes, by William J. Rolfe. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1876 [reprinted 1881, revised edition New York, Cincinnati [etc.]: American book company, [1886 etc.]]. [Includes illustrations and "The life of Thomas Gray. By Robert Carruthers" (9-20)]
Gray, Thomas: The Works of Thomas Gray: in prose and verse. Ed. by Edmund Gosse, in four vols. London: MacMillan and Co., 1884 [revised edition 1912, reprinted London: MacMillan Co., 1902-6, reprinted New York: AMS Press, 1968 [with index], unauthorized reprint New York: F. A. Stokes company, [1895]]. [Includes editorial overviews and annotations to the texts]. Reviews: The Quarterly review 439 (Apr. 1914), and in The Academy 27 (1885), 53.
Gray, Thomas: Selections from the Poetry and Prose of Thomas Gray. Ed. with an introduction and notes by William Lyon Phelps. The Athenaeum press series. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1894. [Includes bibliography (xxxv-xxxix) and extensive notes and introduction]
Gray, Thomas: Letters of Thomas Gray. Selected with a biographical notice, by Henry Milner Rideout. Boston: Small, Maynard & co., 1899.
Gray, Thomas: The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray: English and Latin. Edited with an introduction, life, notes and a bibliography by John Bradshaw. The Aldine edition of the British poets series. London: George Bell & Sons, 1903 [1st ed. 1891].
Gray, Thomas: Essays and Criticisms by Thomas Gray, ed. with introduction and notes by Clark Sutherland Northup. The Belles-Lettres Series, Section IV: Literary Criticism and Critical Theory. Boston and London: D. C. Heath & Co., 1911.
Gray, Thomas: Gray's Poems Letters and Essays. Introduction by John Drinkwater. Biographical Notes by Lewis Gibbs. London [etc.]: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1912 [reprinted 1955 etc]. [Contains an introduction and biography]
Gray, Thomas: Gray's English Poems, Original and Translated from the Norse and Welsh. Edited by D. C. Tovey. Cambridge: University Press, 1922 [1st ed. 1898]. [Includes introduction and extensive notes]. Reviews (of first edition): The Academy (Jan. 1901), 79, and in The Cambridge review 22 (1900), 142.
Gray, Thomas: Letters of Thomas Gray. Selected, with an introduction, by John Beresford. The World's Classics, 283. London, New York [etc.]: H. Milford, Oxford UP, 1925 [reprinted 1951]. Review: Modern language review 21 (1926).
Gray, Thomas: An elegy written in a country church yard by Thomas Gray: the text of the first quarto with the variants of the mss. & of the early editions (1751-71). A bibliographical & historical introduction & appendices on General Wolfe & The "Elegy" & The locality of the churchyard. By Francis Griffin Stokes. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1929. [Includes index]
Gray, Thomas: The correspondence of Richard Hurd & William Mason. And letters of Richard Hurd to Thomas Gray. With introduction & notes by the late Ernest Harold Pearce. Ed. with additional notes by Leonard Whibley. Cambridge: The University Press, 1932. [Includes illustrations and bibliography (xiii-xiv)]. Review: Frederick T. Wood in Englische Studien 68 (1933), 445.
Gray, Thomas: Ode On the Pleasure Arising From Vicissitude. Left unfinished by Mr. Gray, and since completed [by William Mason]. With an introduction by Leonard Whibley. Ed. by William Andrews Clark. San Francisco: Printed for William Andrews Clark by John Henry Nash, 1933. [With a facsimile of a pamphlet version printed in 1774, containing Gray's text and the additions of William Mason. Made from a copy in the library of William Andrews Clark]
Gray, Thomas: The poems of Thomas Gray. Edited by Austin Lane Poole. The Hesperides series. London: H. Milford, 1937.
Gray, Thomas: Gray, Collins, and Their Circle. Ed. by W. T. Williams and G. H. Vallins. London: Methuen, 1937.
Gray, Thomas: The poems of Thomas Gray. With an introduction by Leonard Whibley. World's Classics series. London: Oxford UP, H. Milford, [1939]. [Erratum slip inserted]
Gray, Thomas: Gray: Poetry and Prose. With essays by Johnson, Goldsmith and others. With an Introduction and Notes by J. Crofts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1948 [1st ed. 1926]. [Includes overview with timeline, letters and secondary texts]. Review: Frederick T. Wood (of first edition) in Englische Studien 66 (1931), 276.
Gray, Thomas: The Poems of Gray and Collins. Edited by Austin Lane Poole. Revised by Leonard Whibley. Third edition. Oxford editions of standard authors series. London: Oxford UP, 1950 [1st ed. 1917]. [Includes a bibliography, timeline, and editorial notes]
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray: An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard (1751) and The Eton College Manuscript. With an Introduction by George Sherburn. The Augustan Reprint Society, Publication Number 31. Los Angeles: Williams Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1951.
Gray, Thomas: The Selected Letters of Thomas Gray. Ed. with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch. Great Letters series. New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, 1952.
Gray, Thomas: Poems of Thomas Gray. Edited by W. C. Eppstein. London and Glasgow: Blackie & Son Ltd., 1959 [Includes introdution, few notes]
Gray, Thomas: The Complete Poems of Thomas Gray: English, Latin and Greek. Ed. by Herbert W. Starr and J. R. Hendrickson. Oxford [etc.]: Clarendon Press, 1966 [reprinted with corrections 1972]. [Includes illustration, editorial notes and annotations; available at Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (OSEO) (subscription required)]. Reviews: James Kinsley in English studies (Amsterdam) 52(1) (1971), 180-181, Arthur Johnston in Modern language review 63(1) (Jan. 1968), 199, A. R. Humphreys in Review of English studies XIX (May 1968), 209-211, R. F. Dossetor in Church quarterly review 168 (Apr. 1967), 252, Roger Lonsdale in Essays in criticism 17(2) (Apr. 1967), 213-221, P. Dixon in Notes and Queries XIV (1967), 434-436, in the Times Literary Supplement (London), 29 Sept. 1966, 898, E. J. Kenney in Notes and Queries 13(12) (1966), 464.
Gray, Thomas: The Poems of Thomas Gray, William Collins, Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Roger Lonsdale. Longmans' Annotated English Poets series. London and Harlow: Longmans, 1969 [reprinted 1976]. [The most resourceful edition of Gray's to this date, includes illustrations, bibliographical references, index, and timeline]. Reviews: R. T. Davies in Modern language review 65(4) (1970), 879, and in Review of English studies 21(84) (Nov. 1970), 506.
Gray, Thomas: Correspondence of Thomas Gray. Ed. by the late Paget Toynbee and Leonard Whibley, reisssued as a lithographic reprint, with corrections and additions by H. W. Starr, in 3 vols., v. 1 1734-1755, v. 2 1756-1765, v. 3 1766-1771. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971 [1st ed. 1935]. [Includes illustrations and maps, complete lists of the letters and genealogical and chronological tables; available at Electronic Enlightenment (subscription required)]. Reviews: C. B. Tinker in Yale Review 26 (1937), 204, Roger Martin in Etudes anglaises 1 (1937), 144, Frederick T. Wood in Englische Studien (1935), 408.
Gray, Thomas: Poems, 1768. Originally printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis, Glasgow, 1768. A Scolar Press facsimile. Menston: Scolar Press, 1973.
Gray, Thomas: The Complete English Poems of Thomas Gray. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by James Reeves. The Poetry Bookshelf Series. London: Heinemann; New York: Barnes & Noble, 1973. [Includes introduction, few notes, bibliography (p. 35) and index]
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray: An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard, the Eton Manuscript & the First Edition, 1751. Reproduced in Facsimile with an Introduction by Alastair MacDonald. Ilkley, Yorks. and London: The Scolar Press, 1976. Review: Robert Birley, Times Literary Supplement (London) 27 May 1977, 660.
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray and William Collins: Poetical Works Ed. by Roger Lonsdale. Oxford standard authors series. Oxford and New York: Oxford UP, 1977 [reprinted as Oxford Paperbacks, 1989]. [Includes illustrations, bibliography (223-227), and index]. Reviews: A. J. Sambrook in Modern language review 75(1) (Jan. 1980), 173, and in Review of English studies 29(116) (Nov. 1978), 483.
Gray, Thomas: Occasional memorandums: being extracts from a journal for the year 1767 now first printed from the original manuscript of Thomas Gray. Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1979 [1st ed. Stanford Dingley, Eng.: The Mill House Press, 1950]. [Errata slip tipped in on p. 46]
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray: Selected Poems. Ed. by John Heath-Stubbs. Manchester: Carcanet New Press Ltd., 1981. [Includes editorial notes]
Gray, Thomas: Poetic commonplace books and manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771 from Pembroke College, Cambridge. 14 microfilm reels, 35mm and listing and guide to the microfilm collection. Published by the University of Cambridge, Pembroke College. Reading: Adam Matthew Publications, 1991 [2nd ed. 1999]. [Includes bibliographical references, a printed handlist, and a detailed chronology of the long 18th century]
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray. Selected and edited by Robert L. Mack. Everyman's Paperback Classics. Everyman's Poetry Library. London: J. M. Dent, 1996.
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray: selected poems. [This selection by Ian Hamilton]. Bloomsbury poetry classics series. London: Bloomsbury, 1997.
Gray, Thomas: Selected poems of Thomas Gray, Charles Churchill and William Cowper. Ed. with an introduction and notes by Katherine Turner. Penguin English poets series. London [etc.]: Penguin Books, 1997 [reprinted in Penguin Classics series 1998].
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray's journal of his visit to the Lake District in October 1769. Edited, with a life, commentary and historical background by W.G. Roberts. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2001. Reviews: William Levine in Eighteenth-Century Studies (American Soc. for Eighteenth Century Studies, Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC) 36(3) (2003), 429-436, Heidi Thomson in Coleridge Bulletin 24(NS) (Winter 2004), 101-107.
Gray, Thomas: Antaha Yatra: Maha Kavi Gray Ke Sath (Internal Journey with Great Poet Thomas Gray), Thomas Gray's best poems translated into Hindi by Sanjay K. Sahu. New Delhi: Prakashan Sansthan, 2008. [Includes "Elegy", "Eton Ode", "Spring Ode", "Vicissitude", "Adversity"]
Gray, Thomas: Grand Tour Revisited: Thomas Gray's Journey to France and Italy from 1739 to 1741, With a Commentary following the Same Route. Penrith: Northern Academic Press, 2010. Review: Michael Caines in Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 4 Mar. 2011, 27.
Gray, Thomas: Thomas Gray's Journal of his Visit to the Lake District in October 1769 also including a letter describing his Visit to the Highlands of Scotland in September 1765. A Revised Edition edited, with Commentary, by W. G. Roberts. Kirkoswald Cumbria: Northern Academic Press, 2012. Review: Hannah Waugh in Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 36(4) (December 2013), 609-610.
Gray, Thomas: L'Opera Poetica. Con testo a fronte. Edited and translated by Giovanni Parrini. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2022.
Gray, Thomas and Horace Walpole: From St. James's to St. Peter's: Horace Walpole's and Thomas Gray's letters from the Grand Tour, 1739-1741. Selected and with an introduction by Andrea Kirkby. St James's: Malthouse Press, 1996.
Gray, Thomas and William Collins: Selected poems of Thomas Gray and William Collins. Ed. by Arthur Johnston. Arnold's English texts series. London: Edward Arnold, 1967 [reprinted in the English library series, Columbia: U. of South Carolina P., 1970]. Review: L. C. B. in Etudes anglaises 3 (Jul. 1967), 326.
Greene, Donald: "The Proper Language of Poetry: Gray, Johnson, and Others". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 85-102.
Greene, Richard Leighton: "Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,' 31-32". Explicator 24 (1966), item 47.
Gregory, Ian N. and David Cooper: "Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Geographical Information Systems: a literary GIS of two Lake District tours". International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 3(1-2) (2009), 61-84.
Gregory, Ian N. and David Cooper: "Mapping the English Lake District: a literary GIS". Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(1) (January 2011), 89-108.
Grierson, H. J. C.: The Background of English Literature and Other Collected Essays and Addresses. London: Chatto, 1925, 200-255 ("Blake and Gray").
Griffin, Dustin: "Gray's Audiences". Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism 28 (1978), 208-215.
Grossman, Carol: "The Trianon Press's William Blake's Water-Colour Designs for the Poems of Thomas Gray". Printing History 21(1) (41)(2001), 19-24, 29-31, 33-36.
Guilhamet, Leon M.: "Imitation and Originality in the Poems of Thomas Gray". Paul J. Korshin, Proceedings of the Modern Language Association Neoclassicism Conferences 1967-1968. New York: AMS Press, 1970, 33-52.
Guthke, Karl S.: "Die erste Übersetzung von Grays 'Elegy'?". Arcadia: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 10 (1975), 180-183.
Haan, Estelle: Thomas Gray's Latin poetry: some classical, neo-Latin and vernacular contexts. Bruxelles: Latomus revue d'études latines, 2000.
Haggerty, George E.: "'The Voice of Nature' in Gray's Elegy". Claude J. Summers (ed.), Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England: Literary Representations in Historical Context. New York: Harrington Park, 1992, 199-214.
Haggerty, George E.: "O-lachrymarum-fons - Thomas Gray: Tears, poetry and desire in Gray". Eighteenth Century Studies 30(1) (Fall 1996), 81-95.
Haggerty, George E.: "Horace Walpole's epistolary friendships". British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 29(2) (2006), 201-218.
Hagstrum, Jean H.: The Sister Arts. The Tradition of Literary Pictorialism and English Poetry from Dryden to Gray. Chicago: U. of Chicago P., 1958, "Thomas Gray", 287-314.
Hagstrum, Jean H.: "Gray's Sensibility". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 6-19.
Hamada, Kazuie: "Thomas Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard - A Comparison with Country Teacher by Katai Tayama". Journal of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College 34 (Feb. 1991), 1-14.
Hansen, Klaus P. (ed.): Empfindsamkeiten. Passauer Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium, 2 (1990). Passau: Rothe, 1990.
Harris, Cyril Evans: Thomas Gray, Poet, 1716-1771: A Guide to His Life and Works. Slough, Bucks.: Maple Press, 1971. [Includes illustrations]
Hartog, Curt: "Psychic Resolution in Gray's 'Elegy'". Literature and Psychology 25 (1975), 5-16.
Haven, Richard: "Some Perspectives in Three Poems by Gray, Wordsworth, and Duncan". George Bornstein (ed.), Romantic and Modern: Revaluations of Literary Tradition. Pittsburgh: U. of Pittsburgh P., 1977, 69-88.
Hawes, Clement: "Johnson's Cosmopolitan Nationalism". Philip Smallwood (ed.), Johnson Re-Visioned: Looking Before and After. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2001, 37-63.
Heller, Deborah C.: The Evolution of the Poet's Task in the Later Eighteenth Century: A Study of Gray, Collins and Cowper. Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1989. .
Henstra, Froukje: "The problem of small numbers: methodological issues in social network analysis". Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade and Wim van der Wurff (eds.), Current Issues in Late Modern English. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2009, 361-390. [Discusses the correspondence of Gray, Walpole, West, and Ashton.]
Hess, Scott: "'Approach and Read': Gray's Elegy, Print Culture, and Authorial Identity". Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual 13 (2002), 207-237. Also, slightly revised, Scott Hess, Authoring the Self: Self-Representation, Authorship, and the Print Market in British Poetry from Pope through Wordsworth, New York & London: Routledge, 2005, 109-132.
Hicks, Malcolm: "Gray Among the Victorians". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 248-269.
Hignett, D. J.: Elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray, and, The deserted village by Oliver Goldsmith: GCE set book notes for advanced students. Formby (Formby Fields, Formby, Merseyside): Hignett School Services, c1979.
Hilles, Frederick W. (ed.): The Age of Johnson: essays presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker. New Haven: Yale UP, 1949.
Hilles, Frederick W. and Harold Bloom (eds.): From Sensibility to Romanticism: Essays Presented to Frederick A. Pottle. New York: Oxford UP, 1965.
Hinnant, Charles H.: "Changing Perspectives on the Past: The Reception of Thomas Gray's The Bard". Clio: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 3 (1974), 315-329.
Hodgson, Andrew: "Thomas Gray's Finish". SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 59(3) (Summer 2019), 531-557.
Hogle, Jerrold E.: "Elegy and the Gothic: the common grounds". Karen Weisman (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of The Elegy. Oxford: OUP, 2010, chapter 32, 565-584.
Hook, LaRue Van: "New Light on the Classical Scholarship of Thomas Gray". American Journal of Philology 57 (1936), 1-9.
Hough, Graham: The Romantic Poets. London: Hutchinson, 1953, ch. I "Gray", 7-24.
Hudson, William Henry: Gray & his Poetry. Poetry & Life Series, 3. London: George G. Harrap & Company, 1911.
Huehn, Peter: "Wirklichkeit und Bedeutung im Gedicht: Die Dichtergestalt als Medium der Realitätsvermittlung bei Carew und Gray". Hans Heinrich Freitag and Peter Hühn (eds.), Literarische Ansichten der Wirklichkeit: Studien zur Wirklichkeitskonstitution in englischsprachiger Literatur: To Honour Johannes Kleinstück. Frankfurt: Lang, 1980, 89-122.
Huehn, Peter: "Outwitting Self-Consciousness: Self-Reference and Paradox in Three Romantic Poems". English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature 72(3) (Jun. 1991), 230-245.
Huehn, Peter: Geschichte der englischen Lyrik, 2 vols. Tübingen/Basel: Francke Verlag, 1995, vol. 1, "Zwischen Klassik und Romantik: Thomas Gray", 233-250.
Huehn, Peter: "Thomas Gray: 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'". Peter Hühn and Jens Kiefer, The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry: Studies in English Poetry from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005, 79-94.
Hunt, John Dixon: The Figure in the Landscape: Poetry, Painting, and Gardening During the Eighteenth Century. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1976, ch. 4.
Hurley, Michael D. and Michael O'Neill: "Thomas Gray". Hurley, Michael D. and Michael O'Neill, Poetic Form: an introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2012, 109-111.
Hutchings, W. B.: "Syntax of Death: Instability in Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'". Studies in Philology 81(4) (Fall 1984), 496-514.
Hutchings, W. B.: "Thomas Gray: Past Criticism and the Present Volume". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 1-12.
Hutchings, W. B.: "Conversations with a Shadow: Thomas Gray's Latin Poems to Richard West". Studies in Philology 92(1) (Winter 1995), 118-139.
Hutchings, W. B. and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993. [Includes bibliographical references and index of proper names]. Reviews: M. Bignami in Modern Language Review 91(3) (Jul. 1996), 703-704, Duncan Wu in Romanticism (Edinburgh) 2(1) (1996), 123-125, Suvir Kaul in ANQ 8(2) (1995), 49-51, John Chalker in Critical Survey (Oxford) 7(2) (1995), 230-231, Christopher Decker in Essays in Criticism: a quarterly journal founded by F. W. Bateson (Oxford) 45(3) (1995), 257-263, Robin Dix in Durham University Journal (Dept of English Studies, Univ. of Durham) 56(1) (1995), 169-170, Philip Martin in Byron Journal (Byron Soc., London) 23 (1995), 100, Roger Robinson in Charles Lamb Bulletin: journal of the Charles Lamb Society (London) 87 (1994), 122-123.
Huxley, Hebert H.: "A Latin Poem of the Poet Gray". Proceedings of the Pacific Northwest Conference on Foreign Languages 20 (1969), 166-170.
Illiano, Antonio: "From Gray's Elegy to Foscolo's Carme: Highlighting the Meditation and Sublimation of the 'Sepulchral'". Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures 47(2) (Summer 1993), 117-131.
Irving, William Henry: The Providence of Wit in the English Letter Writers. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1955, chapter VII, 228-245.
Jack, Ian: "Gray's Elegy Reconsidered". Frederick W. Hilles and Harold Bloom (eds.): From Sensibility to Romanticism: Essays Presented to Frederick A. Pottle. New York: Oxford UP, 1965, 139-169. [Also Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 88-108.]
Jack, Ian: "Gray in his Letters". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 20-36.
Jackson Williams, Kelsey: "Thomas Gray and the Goths: Philology, Poetry, and the Uses of the Norse Past in Eighteenth-Century England". Review of English Studies 65(271) (September 2014), 694-710.
Jackson, Wallace: The Probable and the Marvelous. Blake, Wordsworth, and the Eighteenth-Century Tradition. Athens: U. of Georgia P., 1978, "Mid-Century Poets: Thomas Gray", 64-82.
Jackson, Wallace: "Thomas Gray: Drowning in Human Voices". Criticism. A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 28(4) (Fall 1986), 361-377.
Jackson, Wallace: "Thomas Gray and the Dedicatory Muse". ELH. A journal of English Literary History 54(2) (Summer 1987), 277-298.
Jackson, Wallace: "Wordsworth Reimagines Thomas Gray: Notations on Begetting a Kindred Spirit". Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 31(3) (Summer 1989), 287-300.
Jackson, Wallace: "Thomas Gray (26 December 1716 - 30 July 1771)". Eighteenth-century British poets, 2nd series. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Ed. by John Sitter. Detroit and London: Gale Research, 1991, vol. 109, 168-182.
Jackson, Wallace and Paul Yoder: "Gray's Pindarics: Teaching 'The Progress of Poesy'". Christopher Fox (ed.), Teaching Eighteenth-Century Poetry. New York: AMS, 1990, 303-317.
Jacobson, Jean Alice: How Should Poetry Look? The Printer's Measure and Poet's Line. Unpub. univ. diss., U. of Minnesota, 2008. [Abstr. in Dissertation Abstracts International (Ann Arbor, MI) DA3324409. Contains a chapter on Gray's Elegy.]
Jesse, John Heneage: Memoirs of celebrated Etonians: including Henry Fielding, the Earl of Chatham, Horne Tooke, Horace Walpole, George Grenville, Thomas Gray, George Selwyn, Lord North, Earl of Bute, Earl Temple, etc., 2 vols. London: R. Bentley, 1875, vol. I, 352-377.
Jestin, Loftus: The answer to the lyre: Richard Bentley's illustrations for Thomas Gray's poems. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990. [Includes a facsimile of Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for six poems by Mr. T. Gray, and illustrations]. Review: Sean Shesgreen in Notes and Queries: for readers and writers, collectors and librarians (Oxford) 39(1) (1992), 108-109.
Joannides, Paul: A subject from Thomas Gray by Girodet. Gazette des Beaux-arts 138 (Mars 1996), 119. [Deals with a subject from a painting and "The Bard"]
Johnson, Richard E.: "Blake as Audience: The Designs to Gray's 'Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat'". Mary Lynn Johnson and Seraphia D. Leyda (eds.), Reconciliations: Studies in Honor of Richard Harter Fogle. Salzburg: Inst. für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Univ. Salzburg, 1983, 72-94.
Johnston, Arthur: "Gray's 'The Triumphs of Owen'". Review of English Studies 11 (1960), 275-285.
Johnston, Arthur: "'The Purple Year' in Pope and Gray". Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language (1963), 389-393.
Johnston, Arthur: "Gray's Use of the Gorchest Y Beirdd in 'The Bard'". The Modern Language Review 59 (1964), 335-338.
Johnston, Arthur: Thomas Gray and The Bard. An inaugural lecture delivered at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wednesday, 2nd February, 1966. Cardiff: Wales UP, 1966 [i.e. 1967].
Johnston, Arthur: "Thomas Gray: Our Daring Bard". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 50-65.
Johnston, Arthur: "Poetry and Criticism after 1740". Roger Lonsdale (ed.), Dryden to Johnson. London: Sphere, 1986, 313-349.
Jones, Ben: "Blake on Gray: Outlines of Recognition". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 127-135.
Jones, Myrddin: "Gray, Jaques, and the Man of Feeling". Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language 25 (1974), 39-48.
Jones, William Powell: "The Contemporary Reception of Gray's Odes." Modern Philology 28 (1930), 61-82.
Jones, William Powell: Thomas Gray, scholar. The true tragedy of an eighteenth-century gentleman. With two youthful notebooks now published for the first time from the original manuscripts in the Morgan library, New York City. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1937 [reissued edition, New York: Russell & Russell, 1965]. [Includes bibliographical references, illustrations, and "Register of Gray autograph manuscripts" ( [175]-181)]. Reviews: William D. Templeman (of first edition) in Journal of English and Germanic Philology (1940), 295, Roger Martin in Etudes anglaises 2 (1938), 407.
Jones, William Powell: "Thomas Gray's Library". Modern philology 35(3) (Feb. 1938), 257-278.
Jones, William Powell: "Mute Inglorious Gray." Emory University Quarterly 11 (1955), 199-207.
Jones, William Powell: "Johnson and Gray: A Study in Literary Antagonism". Modern Philology 56 (1959), 243-253.
Jones, William Powell: "Imitations of Gray's Elegy, 1751-1800". Bulletin of Bibliography 23 (1963), 230-232.
Jung, Sandro: "Die Ästhetik homoerotischer Liebe bei Thomas Gray: Zur Deutung von Grays 'Sonnet on the Death of Richard West'". Forum Homosexualität und Literatur 37 (2000), 103-111.
Jung, Sandro: "Idleness Censured and Morality Vindicated: Johnson's 'Lives' of Shenstone and Gray". Etudes Anglaises: Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis 60(1) (Jan-Mar 2007), 80-91.
Kallich, Martin: "Thomas Gray's annotations to Pope's Essay on Man". Notes and Queries 12 (Dec 1965), 454-455.
Kalter, Barrett: "DIY Gothic: Thomas Gray and the Medieval Revival". ELH. A Journal of English Literary History 70(4) (Winter 2003), 989-1019. Also in Barrett Kalter, Modern Antiques: the Material Past in England, 1660-1780. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP; Lanham, MD; Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2012. Review: (of the book) Clayton Tarr in Gothic Studies 16(1) (May 2014), 131-133.
Kampf, Louis: "The Humanist Tradition in Eighteenth-Century England - and Today". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 241-255.
Katayama, Mamiko: "Gray to 18 seiki chuuyou no bungaku wo torimaku joukyou - The Progress of Poesy no kaishaku no kokoromi. (Gray and the mid-eighteenth century literary background: an interpretation of The Progress of Poesy)". Studies in English Literature/Eibungaku kenkyu (English Literary Soc. of Japan/Nihon Eibungakkai, Tokyo) 73(2) (1997), 193-205.
Kaul, Suvir: A Solitary Fly: Thomas Gray and the constructions of poetic authority. Unpub. univ. diss., Cornell Univ., 1986. [Abstr. in Dissertation Abstracts International (Ann Arbor, MI) (47) 3048A.]
Kaul, Suvir: "Why Selima Drowns: Thomas Gray and the Domestication of the Imperial Ideal". PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association 105(2) (Mar. 1990), 223-232.
Kaul, Suvir: Thomas Gray and Literary Authority: A Study in Ideology and Poetics. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 1992. [Contains bibliography ([253]-262) and index]. Also published as Thomas Gray and literary authority: ideology and poetics in Eighteenth-century England. Delhi and Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992. Reviews: Richard Terry in British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Voltaire Foundation, Oxford) 18(1) (1995), 94, John Lucas in In-between: essays & studies in literary criticism (Dept of English, RLA College, Univ. of New Delhi) 3(2) (1994), 123-127.
Kaul, Suvir: "Thomas Gray, Elegy Writen in a Country Church Yard". Christine Gerrard (ed.): A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry. Malden, MA [etc.]: Blackwell, 2006, 277-289.
Keener, Frederick M.: "Gray's Pindaric Odes and the Availability of Literary Interpretation in the Eighteenth Century". Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 304 (1992), 1101-1104.
Keener, Frederick M.: Implication, readers' resources and Thomas Gray's Pindaric odes. Newark: Delaware UP; Lanham, MD; Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2012.
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: Thomas Gray. Great Lives[, 54]. London: Duckworth, [1935]. [Includes bibliography (135-136)]. Reviews: Ralph Lawrence in English (1954), 229, Frederick T. Wood in Englische Studien 71 (1936), 262.
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: Thomas Gray. A Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1955. [Includes bibliography and illustration]. Reviews: William Henry Irving in South Atlantic quarterly (1956), J. Dulck in Etudes anglaises 9 (1956), 166, W. Powell Jones in Modern philology (1955), 284, R. W. Zandvoort in English studies 36(6) (Dec. 1955), 314.
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: Thomas Gray. Bibliographical series of supplements to "British Book News" on Writers and their Work, No. 104. Published for the British Council and the National Book League. London/New York: Longmans, Green, 1958 [revised edition with additions to bibliography 1966]. [Contains bibliography (29-31) and illustrations]
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: "The Poet Who Spoke Out: The Letters of Thomas Gray". Howard Anderson, Philip B. Daghlian and Irvin Ehrenpreis (eds.), The Familiar Letter in the Eighteenth Century. Lawrence: U. of Kansas P., 1966, 148-164.
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: "Thomas Gray (1716-1771)". British Writers. Edited under the auspices of the British Council by Ian Scott-Kilvert. In 8 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1980, vol. III, 136-145.
Keynes, Geoffrey: "The Blake Trust Gray catalogue and the Blake Trust facsimiles." Blake Newsletter (Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque) 7 (1973-74), 64-66.
Kistanova, Anastasia: "The Horatian Tradition in Odes on Spring by English and Russian Poets". Loveday, Leo, and Emilia Parpală (eds.), Ways of Being in Literary and Cultural Spaces. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2016, 157-169.
Kitson, Charles Herbert: Hymn to adversity. Set to music for chorus and orchestra. London: E. Donajowski, [1902].
Knighton, Robert T.: A Genius Truly Inclined to Philosophy: Thomas Gray and Platonism. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Colorado, 1972 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1972].
Last, Brian William: Thomas Gray: a study of the personality, as revealed in the poetry, correspondence, and other writings. Thesis (M.Phil.) University of Leeds (School of English), Leeds, 1974.
Lessenich, Rolf P.: Aspects of English PreRomanticism. Köln [etc.]: Böhlau, 1989.
Levine, William: "From the Ridiculous to the Sublime: Gray's Transvaluation of Pope's Poetics". Philological Quarterly 70(3) (Summer 1991), 289-309.
Levine, William: "'Beyond the Limits of a Vulgar Fate': The Renegotiation of Public and Private Concerns in the Careers of Gray and Other Mid-Eighteenth-Century Poets". Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture 24 (1995), 223-242.
Levine, William: "Situating the Careers of Gray and Other British Poets of the Long Eighteenth Century in Their Times: Some Biographical, Historicist, Contextualist, and Formalist Treatments". Eighteenth-Century Studies 36(3) (Spring 2003), 429-436.
Lewis, W. S.: Thomas Gray, 1716-1771. The R. A. Neil lecture, 1971. Cambridge: Pembroke College, 1971.
Lichtenwalner, Shawna: Claiming Cambria: Invoking the Welsh in the Romantic Era. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008, chapter 3 "Memorializing the Welsh: Nostalgia and Incorporation in the Work of Thomas Gray and Robert Southey", 67-74.
Logsdon, Richard: "Gray's 'Elegy': The Structure and the Poet". Essays in Literature (Univ. of Denver, CO) 2(1) (1973), 1-19.
Lonsdale, Roger: The poetry of Thomas Gray: versions of the self. Chatterton lecture on an English poet, read 21 February 1973. "From the Proceedings of the British Academy volume 59." London: Oxford UP, 1973. [Includes bibliographical references]. Review: Clair Lamont in Notes and Queries (London) 23 (1976), 374-376.
Lonsdale, Roger: "Gray and Johnson: The Biographical Problem". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 66-84.
Lonsdale, Roger: "Gray and 'allusion': the poet as debtor." R. F. Brissenden and J. C. Eade (eds), Studies in the eighteenth century, 4: papers presented at the fourth David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, Canberra 1976. Canberra: Australian National UP, 1979, 31-55.
Lonsdale, Roger: "Thomas Gray, David Hume and John Home's Douglas". Maureen Bell, Shirley Chew, Simon Eliot, Lynette Hunter, and James L. W. West (eds.), Re-constructing the Book: Literary Texts in Transmission. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001, chapter 6.
Lowenstein, Amy: Annals of the Poor: Social Fact and Artistic Response in Gray, Goldsmith, Cowper, Crabbe, Blake, Burns. Thesis (Ph.D.), New York University, 1968 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1969].
Lussier, Mark: "The Contra-Diction of Design: Blake's Illustrations to Gray's 'Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat'". Visible Language 23(2-3) (Spring-Summer 1989), 205-219.
Lutz, Alfred: "Goldsmith on Burke and Gray." Papers on Language & Literature: a quarterly journal for scholars and critics of language and literature (Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville) 34(3) (1998), 225-249.
Lyles, Albert M.: "Historical Perspective in Gray's Eton College Ode". Tennessee Studies in Literature 9 (1964), 57-61.
Lytton-Sells, Arthur L.: Thomas Gray: his life and works. Assisted by Iris Lytton Sells. London and Boston: G. Allen & Unwin, 1980. [Includes illustrations, bibliographical references and index]. Reviews: Review of English studies 34(133) (Feb. 1983), 78, M. Curr in UNISA English Studies: journal of the Department of English, University of South Africa (Pretoria) 21(1) (1983), 29-30, Pat Rogers in the Times Literary Supplement (London) (3 Oct. 1980), 1117.
McCarthy, B. Eugene: "Gray's music for The 'Bard' - Autograph manuscript by Thomas Gray". Review of English Studies 48(189) (Feb. 1997), 19-32.
McCarthy, B. Eugene: Thomas Gray: The Progress of a Poet. Madison and Teaneck, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP; London: Associated UPes, 1997. [Includes bibliographical references (257-270) and index]. Reviews: Choice / Monthly 35(10) (1998), 1708-1709, Heidi Thomson in Yearbook of English Studies (Modern Humanities Research Assn) (Leeds) 30 (2000), 314, William Levine in Eighteenth-Century Studies (American Soc. for Eighteenth Century Studies, Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC) 36(3) (2003), 429-436.
McCulloch, Andrew: "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". English Review 18(3) (2008), 13-16.
McDermott, Anne: "The 'Wonderful Wonder of Wonders': Gray's Odes and Johnson's Criticism". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 188-204.
McDermott, Francis: William Penn, Thomas Gray, and an account of the historical association of Stoke Poges. Specially compiled for the Penn-Gray Society by F. McDermott. With a reproduction of the original fair copy of Gray's Elegy in the poet's own handwriting and 27 illus. including 20 photos by the author. Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1973 [reprint of the 1930 ed. printed for private circulation by W. H. Smith & Son Ltd., the Arden Press, London] [Reprinted Norwood: Norwood Editions, 1976]. [Includes illustrations]
MacDonald, Alastair: "The Poet Gray in Scotland". Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language 13 (1962), 245-256.
MacDonald, Alastair: "Thomas Gray: An Uncommitted Life". The Humanities Association Review La Revue de l'Association des Humanites 13 (1962-63), 13-25.
MacDonald, Alastair: "For Thomas Gray, died 1771". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 1-5.
MacDonald, Alastair: "Gray and his Critics: Patterns of Response in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 172-197.
McGann, Jerome J.: The Poetics of Sensibility: a revolution in literary style. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, ch. 3, 24-32.
McGrath, Brian: The Poetics of Unremembered Acts: Reading, Lyric, Pedagogy. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 2013, ch. "Leaving the World to Darkness: Gray".
McKendry, Andrew: "'For thou can'st read': cultural silence and education in Gray's Elegy". Lumen 31 (2012), 101-114.
McKenzie, Alan T.: Thomas Gray: a reference guide. Reference Guide to literature series. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. [Includes index]. Review: Roger Lonsdale in Modern Language Review 80(1) (Jan. 1985), 126.
McKillop, Alan Dugald: English Literature from Dryden to Burns. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1948, "Thomas Gray", 220-225.
MacLean, Gerald: "So What Does Thomas Gray's 'Progress of Poesy' Have To Do With Progress?". Postscript 2 (1985), 67-74.
Mack, Robert L.: "From Eton to Ranelagh: Context and Meaning in an Early Parody of Thomas Gray's 'Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College'". English Language Notes 36(1) (1998), 38-50.
Mack, Robert L.: Thomas Gray: a life. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2000. [Includes illustrations and bibliography.] Reviews: Virginia Quarterly Review: a national journal of literature and discussion (Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville) 77(3) (Summer 2001), 94, Catherine Kord in Antioch Review (Yellow Springs, OH) 59(3) (Summer 2001), 636, David Womersley in Times Literary Supplement (London) (10 Nov. 2000), 6-7, John Mullan in London Review of Books 23(24) (13 Dec. 2001), B. Eugene McCarthy in Eighteenth-Century Book Reviews Online, Benjamin Griffith in Sewanee Review (Univ. of the South, Sewanee, TN) (Spring 2002), lviii, William Levine in Eighteenth-Century Studies (American Soc. for Eighteenth Century Studies, Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC) 36(3) (2003), 429-436, Frank McCormick in H-Albion (October 2002).
Mack, Robert L.: "Another Thomas Gray Parody in Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World'". Notes and Queries 51(249), no. 2 (June 2004), 178-182.
Mackerness, Eric David: "Thomas Gray". The contemporary review 174 (Jul. 1948), 165.
Mackerness, Eric David: "The progress of an Italophile: Thomas Gray and Music". Italian Studies 12 (1957), 99-109.
Maclean, Kenneth: "The Distant Way: Imagination and Image in Gray's Poetry". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 136-145.
Mandel, Eli: "Theories of Voice in Eighteenth-Century Poetry: Gray and Smart". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 103-118.
Mannings, David: "Jonathan Richardson, Thomas Gray, and the Genealogy of Art". Journal of the History of Ideas 55(3) (Jul. 1994), 405-420.
Mannings, Peter J.: "Wordsworth and Gray's Sonnet on the Death of West". SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 22(3) (Summer 1982), 505-518.
Marsh, Kathleen Mary: A study of Thomas Gray based on his letter. Thesis (B.A.) 755, University of Liverpool, [Liverpool], 1946.
Martin, Roger: Chronologie de la Vie et de l'OEuvre de Thomas Gray. Toulouse: Imprimerie Regionale; London: H. Milford, Oxford UP; Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1931. [Includes genealogical tables and illustration]. Reviews: Odell Shepard in Modern language notes 54 (1939), 64, Frederick T. Wood in Englische Studien 71 (1936), 262.
Martin, Roger: Essai sur Thomas Gray. These pour le Doctorat es Lettres presente a la Faculte des Lettres de l'Universite de Paris par Roger Martin. Toulouse: Imprimerie Regionale; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press; Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1934 [reprinted St. Clair Shores: Scholarly Press, 1970]. [Includes bibliographical references and index]. Reviews: Frederick T. Wood in Englische Studien 71 (1936), 262, and in Revue anglo-americaine 13 (1935), 153.
Maver, Igor: "Thomas Gray's Elegy 'Invented' by Jozef Zemlja". Mirko Jurak (ed.), Literature, Culture and Ethnicity: Studies on Medieval, Renaissance and Modern Literatures. Ljubljana: Author, 1992, 163-167.
Mell, Donald C.: "Form as Meaning in Augustan Elegy: A Reading of Thomas Gray's 'Sonnet on the Death of Richard West'". Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 4 (1968), 131-143.
Mell, Donald C.: A Poetics of Augustan Elegy. Amsterdam: Rodopi N. V., 1974, "Allusion and the Elegiac Form in Thomas Gray's Sonnet 'On the Death of Richard West'", 63-76.
Mell, jr., Donald C.: "Thomas Gray (1716-71)". Donald C. Mell, jr., English Poetry, 1660-1800: A Guide to Information Sources, American Literature, English Literature, and world literatures in English information guide series, vol. 40. Detroit: Gale Research, 1982, 238-251.
Mertner, Edgar: "Thomas Gray und die Gattung der Elegie". Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 2(3) (Jul. 1968), 326-347.
Micale, Olga: Thomas Gray e la sua influenza sulla letteratura italiana. Con prefazione di Natale Busetto. Catania: Studio editoriale moderno, 1934. Review: Joseph G. Fucilla in Journal of English and Germanic Philology (April 1935), 277.
Micklus, Robert: "Voices in the Wind: The Eton Ode's Ambivalent Prospect of Maturity". English Language Notes 18, 181-186.
Miller, Norbert: "Richard Bentleys Illustrationen zu den Gedichten von Thomas Gray: Horace Walpole und die Asthetik von Strawberry Hill". Die Buchillustration im 18. Jahrhundert ed. Colloquium der Arbeitsstelle 18. Jahrhundert, Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Universität Münster, Düsseldorf vom 3. bis 5. Oktober 1978. Heidelberg: Winter, 1980, 166-188.
Millner, Stuart A.: Thomas Gray's Welsh and Norse Poetry. Thesis (Ph.D.), Brandeis University, 1971 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1979].
Mitchell, Robert: "Enlightenment Biopolitics: Population and the Growth of Genius". The Eighteenth Century 59(4) (2018), 405-427.
Mitchell, Robert: Infectious Liberty: Biopolitics between Romanticism and Liberalism. New York, NY: Fordham University Press, 2021, chapter 1.
Mooney, Thomas Francis: Pre-Romantic, Romantic, Post-Romantic: Four Elegies. Thesis (Ph.D.), St. John's University, 1976 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1977].
Moore, Judith K.: "Thomas Gray's 'Sonnet on the Death of Richard West': The Circumstances and the Diction". Tennessee Studies in Literature 19 (1974), 107-113.
Morland, James: "'Master Tommy Lucretius': Thomas Gray’s Posthumous Life Writing and Conversing with the Dead in His Poetry to Richard West". European Journal of Life Writing IX (2020), 19-34.
Morrissey, Lee: "Reading Stonehenge: toward an archaeology of Gray's Elegy". The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual 9 (1998), 295-321.
Mounsey, Chris: "Persona, elegy, and desire". Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 46(3) (Summer 2006), 601-618.
Mulholland, James: "Gray's Ambition: Printed Voices and Performing Bards in the later poetry". ELH: journal of English literary history 75(1) (Spring 2008), 109-134.
Mulholland, James: Sounding imperial: poetic voice and the politics of empire, 1730-1820. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.
Mullan, John: Sentiment and Sociability: The language of feeling in the 18th century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988.
Munby, A. N. L.: "Thomas Gray". A. N. L. Munby (ed.), Sale Catalogues of Libraries of Eminent Persons, Volume 2: Poets and Men of Letters. London: Mansell; Sotheby Parke-Bernet Publications, 1971, 1-82. [Reprint of the 1845, 1847, 1851, and 1854 sales catalogues; see also C. W[right]. below for a separate issue for the 1851 sale]
Munch, Ferdinand von: "Das Gedicht im Gepäck: Fünf Anmerkungen zum grenzüberschreitenden Gebrauch von Poesie anhand von Thomas Grays 'Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard' in Deutschland". Christine Fischer and Ulrich Steltner (eds.), Die Rezeption europäischer und amerikanischer Lyrik in Deutschland. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1997, 21-32.
Müller, Wolfgang G.: "Das Verfahren der indirekten Selbstdarstellung in Thomas Grays Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard". Wolfgang G. Müller, Das Lyrische Ich: Erscheinungsformen gattungseigentümlicher Autor-Subjektivität in der englischen Lyrik. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1979, 87-109.
Neff, D. S.: "Phidias and the 'runic stone': Gray's Alcaic Ode and Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse." Victorian Poetry (Univ. of West Virginia, Morgantown) 35(4) (1997), 543-550.
Newey, Vincent: "The Selving of Thomas Gray". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 13-38.
Newey, Vincent: Centring the Self: Subjectivity, Society, and Reading from Thomas Gray to Thomas Hardy. The nineteenth century (Scolar) series. Aldershot: Scolar Press; Brookfield: Ashgate, 1995. [Includes bibliography ([239]-265)]. Reviews: F. Garber in Studies in Romanticism 37(2) (Summer 1998), 281-285, Susan Rosenbaum in Keats Shelley Journal 46 (1997), 210-211, Michael Wiley in The Wordsworth Circle 27(4) (Fall 1996), 191-193, M. O'Neill in Durham University Journal 87(2) (Jul. 1995), 394-395, Kelsey Thornton in Romanticism 5(1) (1999), 115-116.
Newman, W. M.: "When Curfew Tolled the Knell". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 17-22.
Nichol, Donald W.: "Mason, Walpole, and 'A Complete Edition of Gray': A Missing Newspaper Item Now Found". Notes and Queries (261)(1) (Mar. 2016), 89-91.
Nicosia, Giovanni: Thomas Gray: A bibliographical essay on research and criticism (1952-1977). The blue guitar. Rivista annuale di letteratura inglese e americana. Fascicolo supplementare, 3/4. Messina: Fac. di magistero, Univ., 1977/1978.
Nilges, Yvonne: "Kirchhofsgedanken: Topographien des Totenackers von Gryphius bis Byron". Angermion: Yearbook for Anglo-German Literary Criticism, Intellectual History and Cultural Transfers/Jahrbuch für Britisch-Deutsche Kulturbeziehungen 6 (2013), 53-70.
Northup, Clark Sutherland: A Bibliography of Thomas Gray [-1917]. Cornell studies in English, 1. New Haven and London: Yale UP, Humphrey Milford, 1917 [reissued New York: Russell & Russell, 1970]. [The standard work, listing also all writings about Gray to 1917.] Review: Paget Toynbee in Modern language review 13 (1918), 343.
Norton, C. E.: The Poet Gray as a Naturalist. Boston: 1903.
Novak, M. E. (introd.): Context, Influence, and Mid-Eighteenth-Century Poetry. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Mem. Lib., Univ. of California, 1990.
Oates, Mary I.: "Jonson, Congreve, and Gray: Pindaric Essays in Literary History". SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 19 (1979), 387-406.
Ober, Kenneth H. and Warren U. Ober: "Zukovskij's First Translation of Gray's Elegy". Slavic and East European Journal 10 (1966), 167-172.
Odney, Paul: "Thomas Gray's 'Daring Spirit': Forging the Poetics of an Alternative Nationalism". Clio 28(3) (1999), 245-260.
Oerlemans, Onno: "The Animal in Allegory: From Chaucer to Gray". Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 20(2) (2013), 296-317.
Oohinata, Gen: "Thomas Gray, 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard': Kodokuna chinshi". Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation 153(5) (Aug. 2007), 296-297.
Parisot, Eric: The Paths of Glory: authority, agency and aesthetics in mid-eighteenth-century graveyard poetry. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Melbourne, 2008.
Parisot, Eric: Graveyard Poetry: Religion, Aesthetics and the Mid-Eighteenth-Century Poetic Condition. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013, chapters 4 and 5.
Park, Chang-Do: "The reminiscent mood in Thomas Gray's 'Eton College'." Journal of English Language and Literature (Chongju, Korea) 27 (Dec.), 181-190.
Pashchenko, Mikhail: "The Sublimation of History in Thomas Gray's 'The Bard'". Anglia: Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie 126(3) (2008), 461-476.
Pattison, Robert: "Gray's 'Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat': A Rationalist's Aesthetic". University of Toronto Quarterly: A Canadian Journal of the Humanities 49 (1979), 156-165.
Peake, Charles: "Introcuction". Charles Peake (ed.), Poetry of the Landscape and the Night: Two 18th century traditions. Arnold's English texts. London: Arnold, 1967.
Peckham, Morse: "Gray's 'Epitaph' Revisited". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 76-78.
Perojo Arronte, Mª Eugenia: "La estructura de 'Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard'". Ed. AEDEAN and Departamento de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Alicante (ed.): Actas del XII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 1988, 173-177.
Pettersson, Torsten: Literary Interpretation: Current Models and a New Departure. Abo: Abo Akademis Forlag, 1988, chapter II "A test case: Gray's Elegy and four interpretations", 19-46.
Phelps, William Lyon: The Beginnings of the English Romantic Movement. A Study in Eighteenth Century Literature. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1899, "The Romantic Movement Expemplified in Gray", 155-170.
Phillipson, John S.: "Gray's 'The Progress of Poesy,' 123". Explicator 29 (1971), item 78.
Powell, Robert: Epic Poems [Sound recording]. Poems, read by Robert Powell. BBC Radio Collection. [S.l.]: BBC Enterprises Ltd, 1988. [Includes Gray's "Elegy"]
Prandi, Julie D.: The Poetry of the Self-Taught: An Eighteenth-Century Phenomenon. New York: Peter Lang, 2008. [Contains a section on Gray.]
Prescott, Sarah: "'Gray's Pale Spectre': Evan Evans, Thomas Gray, and the Rise of Welsh Bardic Nationalism". Modern Philology 104(1) (Aug 2006), 72-95.
Prescott, Sarah: Eighteenth-Century Writing From Wales: Bards and Britons. CREW series of Critical and Scholarly Studies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2008, chapter 3 "'Gray's Pale Spectre': Evan Evans, Translation and the Rise of Welsh Bardic Nationalism", 57-83. Review: Katie Gramich in Times Literary Supplement (24 October 2008), 31.
Price, Martin: "Sacred to Secular: Thomas Gray and the Cultivation of the Literary". M. E. Novak (introd.), Context, Influence, and Mid-Eighteenth-Century Poetry. Papers presented at a Clark Library Seminar 21 March 1987 by Howard D. Weinbrot and Martin Price. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Univ. of California, 1990, 41-78.
Quinn, Vincent: A new approach to the writing of Thomas Gray. Univ. diss., Univ. of Cambridge, 1995. [Abstr. in Index to Theses accepted for higher degrees by the universities of Great Britain and Ireland (and the Council for National Academic Awards) (ASliB) (London) (45) 1996, 12144.]
Quinn, Vincent: Pre-Romantic Poetry. Writers and Their Work. Tavistock: Northcote House, 2012.
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Redford, Bruce B.: "Thomas Gray's Parody of Addison's Ballad Criticism". Notes and Queries 30 (228)(1) (Feb. 1983), 42-43.
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Reichard, Hugo M.: "The Elegist Who Sang for All He Was Worth". Dalhousie Review 51 (1971), 24-30.
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Righi, Giorgia Maria: "Their lot forbad". Thomas Gray's Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. Unpub. univ. diss., Universita' degli Studi di Padova, 2008.
Roberts, Marion: "Thomas Gray's Contribution to the Study of Medieval Architecture". Architectural History 36 (1993), 49-68.
Roberts, Sydney Castle: Thomas Gray of Pembroke. W. P. Ker Memorial Lecture, 13; Glasgow University Publications, 93. Glasgow: Jackson, Son, 1952 [reprinted Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1973, Norwood: Norwood Editions, 1978]. Review: C. J. Sisson in Modern language review 49 (1954).
Roberts, W. G.: "A letter from Thomas Gray to Horace Walpole". Notes and Queries 47(2) (2000), 198-201.
Roberts, W. G.: "Thomas Gray's Adventures in Scotland and the English Lake District". Serge Soupel, Kevin L. Cope, Alexander Pettit (eds.), Adventure: An Eighteenth-Century Idiom - Essays on the Daring and the Bold as a Pre-Modern Medium. AMS Studies in the Eighteenth Century 58. New York: AMS, 2009, 171-188.
Roberts, W. G.: Thomas Gray: A Life in Letters. Second edition, corrected and illustrated. Kirkoswald: Northern Academic Press, 2016.
Robson, Catherine: Heart Beats: Everyday Life and the Memorized Poem. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2012, case study: Thomas Gray, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard".
Roe, John: "Foreseeing and foreknowing: Dante's 'Ugolino' and the Eton College ode of Thomas Gray". Nick Havely (ed.), Dante's modern afterlife: reception and response from Blake to Heaney. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St Martin's Press, 1998, 17-30.
Rogers, Deborah D.: "The Problem of Copy-Texts for Gray's 'Epitaph on Mrs. Clerke'". English Language Notes 26(2) (Dec. 1988), 30-34.
Rosslyn, Felicity: "Good Humour and the Agelasts: Horace, Pope and Gray". Charles Martindale and David Hopkins (eds.), Horace Made New: Horatian Influences on British Writing from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993, 184-198.
Rothstein, Eric: Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Poetry 1660-1780, The Routledge History of English Poetry, vol 3. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, 135-160.
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Rzepka, Charles J.: The Self as Mind: Vision and Identity in Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Keats. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1986, "The Idea of the Self as Mind", 1-30.
Rückert, George: "Translation as Sentimental Education: Zhukovskij's Sel'skoe kladbishche". Sign Systems Studies/Trudy po Znakovym Sistemam/Töid Märgisüsteemide Alalt: Semeiotike 36(2) (2008), 399-416.
Sacks, Peter M.: The English Elegy. Studies in the Genre from Spenser to Yeats. Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1985, chapter V "Jonson, Dryden, and Gray", 133-137.
Saklofske, Jon: "A Fly in the Ointment: Exploring the Creative Relationship between William Blake and Thomas Gray". Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry 19(3) (July-Sept 2003), 166-179.
Sambrook, A. J.: "Gray's 'Elegy' and Thomas Gordon's Tacitus". Notes and Queries 19 (1972), 228.
Santesso, Aaron: A Careful Longing: The Poetics and Problems of Nostalgia. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2006, chapters 2 and 3. Reviews: Duane Coltharp in Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 40(1/2) (2007/2008), 152-4, Steven Stryer in Essays in Criticism 58(3) (2008), 273-80.
Saslow, Edward L.: "Richard West: A Correction". Philological Quarterly 47 (1968), 592-596.
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Seccombe, Thomas: The Age of Johnson (1748-1798). London: George Bell & Sons, 1900, "Thomas Gray", 248-255.
Sha, Richard C.: "Gray's Political Elegy: Poetry as the Burial of History". Philological Quarterly 69(3) (Summer 1990), 337-357.
Shankar, D. A.: "Cleanth Brooks and the Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard". The Literary Criterion 9(3) (1970), 77-80.
Sharp, Michele Turner: "Elegy unto epitaph: Print culture and commenorative practice in Gray's ''Elegy written in a country churchyard''". Papers on Language & Literature: a quarterly journal for scholars and critics of language and literature (Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville) 38(1) (Winter 2002), 3-28.
Sharpe, George Frederick: "The progress of poesy", by Thomas Gray. Written for soli, chorus and orchestra'. Ode in three parts. Full score. Manuscript. Bodleian Library, MSS. Mus. c. 427-8.
Shaw, W. David: Elegy and Paradox. Testing the Conventions. Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1994, "Berkeley and Gray: Is Death Conceivable?".
Shepard, Odell: "A Youth to Fortune and to Fame Unknown." Modern Philology 20 (1923), 347-373.
Sherbo, Arthur: "Two Notes on Gray's Poems". Notes and Queries 36 (234)(1) (Mar. 1989), 62.
Short, John D.: "Gray's 'Elegy': A Possible Source". Notes and Queries 12 (1965), 454.
Shuster, George N.: The English Ode from Milton to Keats. New York: Columbia UP, 1940, "Collins, Gray and the Return of the Imagination", 186-213.
Siebert, D. T.: Mortality's Muse: The Fine Art of Dying. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 2013, chapter 6.
Sinclair, F. D.: The chronology of Gray's Elegy: an essay on the origins of the poem. Mededelings van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika. Navorsing deur Dosente en Studente; C46. Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1963.
Singh, Brijraj: "A Little Known Parody of Thomas Gray's 'The Bard'". Notes and Queries 22 (1975), 16.
Sitter, John: "The Flight from History in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Poetry". Leopold Damrosch, Jr. (ed.), Modern Essays on Eighteenth-Century Literature. New York: Oxford UP, 1988, 412-435, also John Agresto and Peter Riesenberg (eds.), The Humanist as Citizen. Chapel Hill: Nat. Humanities Center, 1981.
Smith, Eric: By Mourning Tongues. Studies in the English Elegy. Ipswich/Totowa: Boydell Press and Rowan and Littlefield, 1977, "Gray - Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard", 40-54.
Smith, Margaret M.: "Thomas Gray: 1716-1771". Margaret M. Smith (ed.), Index of English Literary Manuscripts, Volume III: 1700-1800, part 2: John Gay - Ambrose Philips. London and New York: Mansell, 1989, 71-116.
Smith, Warren H.: "A Memorandum Book of Thomas Gray". Yale University Library Gazette 48 (1973), 41-43.
Sniedziewski, Piotr: "U źródeł romantycznej elegii — Elegia napisana na cmentarzu wiejskim Thomasa Graya". Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne Seria Literacka 18(38) (2011), 83-102.
Snow, Malinda: "The Gray Parody in Brave New World". Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 13 (1977), 85-88.
Snyder, Edward D.: "Thomas Gray's Interest in Celtic". Modern Philology 11 (1914), 559-579.
Snyder, Edward D.: The Celtic Revival in English Literature 1760-1800. Gloucester/Mass.: P. Smith, 1965 [1st ed. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1923], chapter III "Thomas Gray".
Snyder, Robert Lance: "The Epistolary Melancholy of Thomas Gray". Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 2 (1979), 125-140.
Solovjova, N. A.: "Thomas Gray and the problems of 'Celtic Renaissance'". Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. Filologija (5) (1984), 47-54.
Song, Ming: "Notes on Thomas Gray's Poetic Coterie and Correspondence". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 35(3) (2022), 319-324.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer: "Statement and Artifice in Thomas Gray". SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 5(3) (1965), 519-532.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer: "'Artful Strife': Conflict in Gray's Poetry". PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 81 (1966), 63-69.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer: The Poetry of Vision: Five Eighteenth-Century Poets [James Thomson, William Collins, Thomas Gray, Christopher Smart, William Cowper]. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1967, "Thomas Gray: Action and Image", 90-118.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer and W. B. Carnochan (eds.): A Distant Prospect: Eighteenth-Century Views of Childhood. Los Angeles: Clark Memorial Lib., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1982.
Sparrow, John: "Gray's 'Spring of Tears'". Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language 14 (1963), 58-61.
Speaight, Robert: Poems by Thomas Gray and William Collins. The deserted village [by] Oliver Goldsmith. [Sound recording] Read by Robert Speaight. Argo RG 119. London: Argo, [s.a.] [Includes biographical notes on slipcase]
Springall, Stephen: Thomas Gray, Stoke Poges, and "Elegy written in a country church yard": an enquiry. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [s.a.].
Stanford, Charles Villiers: The bard: a Pindaric Ode by Thomas Gray. Set to music for bass solo, chorus and orch., op. 50. Musical Score. London: Boosey, 1895.
Starr, Herbert W.: Gray as a literary critic. Gettysburg: Times and News Publ., 1941 [reprinted Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1974].
Starr, Herbert W.: "Gray's Revisions of His Friends' Poetry". Journal of English and Germanic Philology 44 (1945), 250-262.
Starr, Herbert W.: "Gray's Craftsmanship". Journal of English and Germanic Philology 45 (Oct. 1946), 415-429.
Starr, Herbert W.: A Bibliography of Thomas Gray, 1917-1951. With material supplementary to C. S. Northup's Bibliography of Thomas Gray. Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania P. for Temple University Publications, 1953 [reprinted New York: Kraus Repr, 1969, Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1977 with index].
Starr, Herbert W.: "Introduction". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 1-16.
Starr, Herbert W.: "'A Youth to Fortune and to Fame Unknown': A Re-estimation". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 41-50.
Starr, Herbert W. (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, also as Thomas Gray: "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". Columbus: Merrill, 1968. [Includes bibliography and chronology of important dates.]
Starr, Herbert W. and J. R. Hendrickson: "Supplementary Note on Thomas Gray's 'Gratia Magna'". Notes and Queries 14 (Nov 1967), 412.
Steele, James: "Thomas Gray and the Season for Triumph". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 198-240.
Stewart, Dustin D. Futures of Enlightenment Poetry. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2020, 188-191. Review: Misty G. Anderson in Eighteenth-Century Studies 56(4) (Summer 2023), 633-636.
Stocchi, Manlio Pastore: "Cenni su alcune traduzioni neoclassiche". Guido Santato (ed.): Letteratura italiana e cultura europea tra illuminismo e romanticismo. Geneva: Droz, 2003, 161-173.
Stone, P. W. K.: The Art of Poetry 1750-1820: Theories of Composition and Style in the Late Neo-Classic and Early Romantic Periods. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967.
Storace, Stephen: The curfew tolls. Musical score for voice and keyboard/harp from manuscript G.295.b.(4) in the British Library. The tuneful lark by Samuel Arnold; with songs by William Shield and Stephen Storace; edited by Robert Hoskins; realizations by David Vine. Wellington, N.Z.: Massey University Music in association with the Massey University Centre for Eighteenth Century Music, 2008.
Sugg, Richard P.: "The Importance of Voice: Gray's Elegy". Tennessee Studies in Literature 19 (1974), 115-120.
Sutherland, John H.: "The Stonecutter in Gray's 'Elegy'". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 79-82.
Sutton, David C. (ed.): Location Register of English Literary Manuscripts and Letters. Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Volume I: A-J. London: The British Library, 1995, 413-415.
Suzuki, Masashi: "'DUST THOU ART': The Moment of Self-Portraiture in the Illustrations to Gray's Elegy". Shiron 37(6) (1998), 1-22.
Swearingen, James E.: The Critical Reputation of Gray's Poems: 1742-1884.. Univ. Diss. Microform edition. Minneapolis, Minn.: U. of Minnesota, 1970.
Swearingen, James E.: "Johnson's 'Life of Gray'". Texas Studies in Literature and Language: A Journal of the Humanities 14 (1972), 283-302.
Swearingen, James E.: "Wordsworth on Gray". SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 14 (1974), 489-509.
Swedenberg, jr., H. T.: "Thomas Gray's 'Journal for 1754 from the first of March'". Huntington Library Quarterly 3 (1939), 77-102.
Swidzinski, Joshua: "Uncouth Rhymes: Thomas Gray, Prosody, and Literary History". Studies in Philology 112(4) (Fall 2015), 837-861.
Takahashi, Noritake: "Shelley and Latin - With Special Reference to His Latin Version of Gray's 'The Epitaph'". Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature 31 (1986), 62-74.
Tapp, Alyson: "Towards a Lyric Phenomenology: ‘The Beginnings of Truly Human Poetry’ and Zhukovskii’s Elegiac Imagination". The Slavonic and East European Review 97(3) (July 2019), 401-425.
Tayler, Irene: Visionary Forms Dramatic: William Blake's Illustrations to the Poetry of Thomas Gray. Thesis (Ph.D.), Stanford University, 1968 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1968; republished as Blake's illustrations to the poems of Gray. London: OUP; Princeton: Princeton UP, 1971].
Tayler, Irene: "Two Eighteenth-Century Illustrators of Gray: Richard Bentley and William Blake". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 119-126.
Tayler, Irene: "Bentley Bid the Pencil". Paul Fritz and Richard Morton (eds.), Woman in the 18th Century and Other Essays. Toronto: Hakkert, 1976, 201-215.
Taylor, Dennis: "Thomas Hardy and Thomas Gray: The Poet's Currency". ELH. A Journal of English Literary History 65(2) (Summer 1998), 451-477.
Teague, Anthony: "Some recent critical approaches to Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard." Journal of English Language and Literature (Seoul) 34(4), 617-634.
Teigen, Philip M.: "Dr Hill and Gray's 'mopeing owl'." American Notes and Queries (Lexington, KY) (su1) (1978), 168-170.
Terry, Richard: "Gray and Poetic Diction". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 73-110.
Thomas, Sophie: "'With a Master's Hand and Prophet's Fire': Blake, Gray, and the Bard". Haywood, Ian, Susan Matthews, and Mary L. Shannon (eds.), Romanticism and Illustration, Cambridge: CUP, 2019, 47-69.
Thompson, Ian H.: The English Lakes: A History. London; New York: Bloomsbury, 2010, chapter 2 "Pathfinders: From Thomas Gray to William Gilpin", 31-43.
Thomson, Heidi: "A Note on Gray's 'Adversity'". Notes and Queries 235(3) (1990), 309-312.
Thomson, Heidi: "The Poet and the Publisher in Thomas Gray's Correspondence". The Yearbook of English Studies 28 (1998), 163-180.
Thomson, Heidi: "The Editor's Subject: William Mason's Construction of Thomas Gray." John Thomson (ed.), Books and Bibliography: Essays in Commemortion of Don McKenzie, Wellington: Victoria UP, 2002, 103-115.
Tiffany, Daniel: "Arresting poetry: kitsch and the miscreant language of verse". Critical Quarterly 54(4) (2012), 1-25.
Tillotson, Geoffrey: Essays in Criticism and Research. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1942, 117-123 ("On Gray's Letters"), 124-126 ("Gray the Scholar-Poet").
Tillotson, Geoffrey: Augustan Studies. London: The Athlone Press, 1961, chapters IX ("Gray's 'Ode on the Spring'") and X ("Gray's 'Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes'"), 204-215, 216-223.
Tomasello, Dario: "The Fragile Nature of Human Glory: Death and Poetry in Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". Vahid Parvaresh and Alessandro Capone (eds.), The Pragmeme of Accommodation: The Case of Interaction around the Event of Death. Cham, Switzerland: Springer: 2017, 459-462.
Tongiorgi, Duccio: "'Rozze rime e disadatte forme': (Pre)storia di una traduzione elegiaca". Gennaro Barbarisi (ed.), Aspetti dell'opera e della fortuna di Melchiorre Cesarotti. Milan: Cisalpino, 2002, 569-595.
Tonra, Justin: "Book History and Digital Humanities in the Long Eighteenth Century." Eighteenth-Century Studies 54(4) (2021): 765-783. doi:10.1353/ecs.2021.0091
Toynbee, Paget: "An Alleged Holograph of Gray". The Times Literary Supplement (8 November 1928), 834.
Toynbee, Paget: "A Newly Discovered Draft of Gray's Lines 'William Shakespeare To Mrs Anne'". Modern Language Review 25 (1930), 83-85.
Tracy, Clarence R.: "Melancholy Marked Him For Her Own". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 37-49, first Proceedings and Transactions Royal Society of Canada 9 (1971), 313-325.
Turk, Thomas N.: "The Latin Translations of Gray's Elegy". Classical and Modern Literature 26(1) (Spring 2006) 56-72.
Turk, Thomas N.: "Search and Rescue: An Annotated Checklist of Translations of Gray's Elegy". Translation and Literature 22(1) (2013), 45-73.
Turk, Thomas N.: "The Translations of Gray's Elegy. Part II: Additions, Clarifications and Corrections". 2016. TS. Thomas Gray Archive.
Turner, Katherine: "Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". David Womersley (ed.): A Companion to Literature from Milton to Blake. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000, 345-352.
Ure, Peter: "Arnold's 'Memorial Verses' and Gray's 'The Progress of Poesy'". Notes and Queries 15 (1968), 417.
Vaughan, Frank A.: Blake's illustrations to the poetry of Thomas Gray: a movement toward eternity. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of California, Riverside, 1980 [also Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1982].
Vaughan, Frank A.: "Blake's Illustrations to Gray's 'The Bard'". Colby Library Quarterly (Colby College, Waterville, ME) 17(4) (Dec. 1981), 211-237.
Vaughan, Frank A.: Again to the life of eternity: William Blake's illustrations to the poems of Thomas Gray. Selinsgrove: Susquehanna UP; London: Associated UPes, 1996. [Includes 116 p. of illustrations, bibliographical references (126-133), and index]. Reviews: C. Heppner in Blake. An Illustrated Quarterly 31(1) (Summer 1997), 24-29, Bruce Tice in Antiquarian Book Monthly 23(10) (1996), 26.
Veire, Heidi van de: "A Note on Gray's 'Adversity'". Notes and Queries 37 (235)(3) (Sep. 1990), 309-312.
Vernon, P. F.: "The Structure of Gray's Early Poems". Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism 15 (1965), 381-393.
Vivante, Leone: English Poetry and its Contribution to the Knowledge of a Creative Principle. London: Faber & Faber, 1950, "III. Thomas Gray", 76-82.
Voisine, Jacques: "Notes et documents - Thomas Gray entre Tacite et Racine (Agrippina)". Revue de litterature comparee 73(2) (1999), 257-272.
Wagman, Stephen Robert: The Living Lyre: A Study of the Poetry of Thomas Gray. Thesis (Ph.D.), The Johns Hopkins University, 1973 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1973; abstr. in Dissertation Abstracts International (Ann Arbor, MI) (34) 3361A-2A.].
Wagman, Stephen Robert: "Mythology and the commonplace in Gray's 'Elegy'." Enlightenment Essays (Chicago) 5(3/4) (1974), 7-13.
Walpole, Horace and Thomas Gray: The Yale Edition of Horace Walpole's Correspondence. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP; London: Oxford UP, 1937-83. Vols. 13/14 Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Thomas Gray, Richard West and Thomas Ashton, I, 1734-1742 with Walpole's short notes on his life. Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Thomas Gray, II, 1745-1771. Edited by W. S. Lewis, George L. Lam and Charles H. Bennett, 1948. [Contains two volumes, with illustrations and bibliography in vol. i (xxxiv-xxxvi)]. Review: H. Williams in Modern Language Review 45 (1950), 247.
Warren, Thomas H.: Essays of Poets and Poetry, Ancient and Modern. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat, 1970, "Gray and Dante", 217-240.
Watson, George: "The Voice of Gray". Critical Quarterly 19(4) (1977), 51-57.
Watson, George and I. R. Willison (eds.): The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, 600-1950. Ed. by G. Watson and I. R. Willison, in 5 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1969-77, vol. II, 577-585.
Watson, J. R. (ed.): Pre-Romanticism in English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century: The Poetic Art and Significance of Thomas Gray, Collins, Goldsmith, Cowper, Crabbe. Casebook series. Basingstoke: MacMillan, 1989.
Watson-Smyth, Peter: "The Origins of the Elegy". Ariel: A Review of International English Literature 1(4) (1970), 39-47.
Watson-Smyth, Peter: "Elegy written in St Peter's churchyard Burnham, Sunday, August 28, 1737." Spectator (London) 227 (1971), 171-174.
Weber, Carl J.: "The Bicentenary of Gray's 'Elegy'". Herbert W. Starr (ed.): Twentieth century interpretations of Gray's Elegy. A collection of critical essays. Twentieth century interpretations series. Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968, 110-111.
Weinbrot, Howard D.: "Gray's Elegy: A Poem of Moral Choice and Resolution". SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 18 (1978), 537-551.
Weinbrot, Howard D.: Britannia's Issue. The Rise of British Literature from Dryden to Ossian. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993, "Gray's British context", 384-389, and "'The Progress of Poesy' and 'The Bard': transplanting the seats of empire and of praise", 389-401.
Weinfield, Henry: The Poet Without a Name: Gray's "Elegy" and the Problem of History. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1991. Reviews: Dennis Taylor in Journal of English and Germanic Philology: a quarterly devoted to the English, German, and Scandinavian languages and literatures (Urbana, IL) 93(3) (1994), 439-443, Joshua Scodel in Modern Philology: a journal devoted to research in medieval and modern literature (Chicago) 91(1) (1993), 98-102.
Whalley, George: "Thomas Gray: A Quiet Hellenist". James Downey and Ben Jones (eds.): Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University, 1971. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1974, 146-171.
Wheatley, Philip: The Form, Meaning, and Context of Sensibility in Eighteenth-Century Britain, with particular reference to the literature of the period 1740-94. Thesis (D.Phil.), University of Oxford, Oxford, 1987.
Whibley, Leonard: "The Foreign Tour of Gray and Walpole". Blackwood's Magazine 227 (Jan. 1930), 813-827.
Whibley, Leonard: "Notes on Two Manuscripts of Thomas Gray". Essays and Studies 23 (1937), 55-57.
White, Daniel E.: "Autobiography and Elegy: The Early 'Romantic' Poetics of Thomas Gray and Charlotte Smith." Thomas Woodman (ed.), Early Romantics: Perspectives in British Poetry from Pope to Wordsworth. Houndmills: MacMillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998, 57-69.
Whiteley, Paul: "Gray, Akenside and the Ode". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 171-187.
Widmann, R. L.: "Edmond Malone's Manuscript Notes on Pope and Gray". Notes and Queries 20 (1973), 415-417.
Wiesenthal, Alan Joel: The Latin Poetry of the English Augustans. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Virginia, 1979 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1980].
Wilding, Michael: "The Epitaph to Gray's Elegy: Two Early Printings and a Parody". Notes and Queries 15 (1968), 213-214.
Wilkins, Frederick C.: "Gray's 'Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College'." Explicator, Apr., XXV, no. 66.
Williams, Anne: Prophetic Strain. The Greater Lyric in the Eighteenth Century. Chicago and London: U. of Chicago P., 1984, "Elegy into Lyric: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard", 93-110.
Williams, Jonathan C.: "Thomas Gray's Elegy and the Politics of Memorialization". SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 58(3) (2018), 653-672.
Williamson, Paul: "Gray's Elegy and the Logic of Expression". W. B. Hutchings and William Ruddick (eds.): Thomas Gray: Contemporary Essays. Liverpool English texts and studies, [25]. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1993, 39-72.
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Wolfe, William R.: Thomas Gray: The Poet as Letter-Writer. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Virginia, 1973 [also Univ. Diss. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1973].
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